Institutional Access to the MDPI Susy (Submission System)

There are many benefits to becoming an IOAP participant with MDPI, not just reduced APCs for affiliated authors.

Using MDPI Susy, as an IOAP participant you can:

Read the sections below to find step-by-step information and screenshots about each of the functions above.

Login as a User

To gain access to the IOAP page in the MDPI Susy environment, navigate to in your internet browser. You will arrive at the screen below. Simply enter the e-mail address registered for your institute and the relevant password. If your institute is not yet registered with MDPI, you can also do this here, by clicking the ‘Register Now’ link, highlighted in red.

View and edit your MDPI Susy profile and your system preferences

After logging into your Susy profile, you will arrive at this screen. The first box on the left of the page called "User Menu", let's you view all relevant informaiton about your profile and update it if necessary.

Upon login, you may first want to check your online profile data within the system. You can do this by clicking ‘Edit Profile’ in the User Menu on the left side of the page, as illustrated.Once this has been clicked, you will be taken to the ‘Edit Profile’ screen shown below. If any changes need to be made, please do so in the relevant field, and then click “Save”.

Please note: this will be pre-filled with all of your information.

Get an overview of articles published by authors from your institution

By clicking on "Overview of Articles" in the "IOAP View" box on the left of the page, you will arrive at this screen, where you can get a complete list of articles affiliated to your institution. You can see which articles are ‘Under processing’ and ‘Published’ by using the buttons shown below.

There is also the possibility to download these lists as Excel files by using the "Export" button on the right side of the page.

The downloaded excel files now include the DOI number and web link of published articles as shown in the screenshot below.

The overview of articles also now has information regarding central billing. A "Radio Button" has been added. Green = corresponding author - author confirmed eligibility for central billing during submission; you are able to control which papers are sent centrally using this button.

Manage your email alerts

By clicking "Manage Your Automated E-Mail Alerts" on the left side of the page you will be taken to this screen. Here is it possible to choose to receive an email any time a new article is submitted, accepted for publication, or published online.

See your Affiliated Editors

By clicking "Affiliated Editors" from the left-hand menu you can see any and all editors affiliated with your institution. If there are editors in different groups (e.g. Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors etc.) then they will be grouped as shown below.

View charts and graphs about your published articles

By clicking on "Articles Published" you can view charts regarding published articles affiliated with your institution. You can also print these, or download them in a variety of formats using the drop down menu on the right.

Author confirmation of central billing

As the last step of the submission process, authors are requested to confirm that they are eligible for central funding.

An automated E-mail (shown below) is then sent to the institution stating the following:

  • If the author confirmed eligibility for central payment or not
  • That there is an option for the library to decline central payment by clicking on a single link.

    Please Note: Clicking this link then turns the radio-button (shown in the Overview of Articles section above) in the Susy account to off. This can be turned on again at any time.

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