11 December 2024
Clarivate Discontinues Coverage of Journal of Personalized Medicine in Web of Science

On 10 December 2024, we received a formal notification from Clarivate stating that, following an in-depth re-evaluation, coverage of the Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) in the Web of Science will be discontinued starting from Volume 14, Issue 8 (August 2024). According to Clarivate's analysis, JPM did not meet the Content Relevance criterion. The embargo period was set to two years, as per Web of Science's standard policy.

In late September 2024, Clarivate informed us that JPM’s indexing status had been placed 'on hold', pending further assessment. Upon receiving this notification, our Editorial Office promptly informed all editors and board members with an update and gathered their input.

With the outcome of the re-evaluation now clear, our editorial and research integrity teams are committed to taking decisive action to address the issues highlighted by Clarivate. We are communicating with the editorial board to ensure adherence to MDPI's policies and editorial practices and review the scope to ensure alignment with the highest standards. Our goal is to implement these improvements, correct the scholarly record, where necessary, and re-apply JPM for indexation in December 2026.

As at 17 December, 2024, MDPI has 298 journals fully covered by Clarivate, including 60 newly admitted to the index in 2024. Additionally, 33 journals are currently under evaluation for potential inclusion in the Web of Science. If you have any questions regarding the indexing status of your article in JPM, please contact the Editorial Office.

We greatly appreciate the ongoing support of our editors, authors, and readers. We are committed to transparency and will keep the JPM community informed as updates become available.

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