Anthony Guiseppi-Elie, Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Director of the Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips at Clemson University (USA), has been admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). His cross-disciplinary research on integrating biomolecular recognition with electroactive and responsive polymers has resulted in the molecular design, engineering development and commercialization of advanced microsystems for trauma management and wound healing. Tony is well-known for his work on supramolecular recognition at abio-bio interfaces and on biomimetic microsystems. A Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Tony currently leads a multi-university, multi-disciplinary faculty cluster in the development of industrial applications of organic and bioelectronics.
The Royal Society of Chemistry is based in London and is a learned society formed by Royal Charter. It is the largest organization in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. Supported by a worldwide network of members and an international publishing business, the RSC’s activities span education, conferences, science policy and the promotion of chemistry to the public.
Congratulations to Tony on this recognition of his exceptional contributions in the chemical sciences.
Submit your bioengineering work to Professor Guiseppi-Elie’s Editorial Office.
Check out Prof. Guiseppi-Elie’s recent welcome article in Bioengineering and perspective article in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
Editorial: Welcome to Bioengineering: A New Open-Access Journal by Anthony Guiseppi-Elie, Bioengineering 2014, 1(1), 18-21; doi:10.3390/bioengineering1010018
Bioresponsive Hydrogels by A. Nolan Wilson and Anthony Guiseppi-Elie, Advanced Healthcare Materials 2013, 2(4), 520–532, doi: 10.1002/adhm.201200332