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3 September 2021
Welcoming New Associate Editors of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
For the first time, we are proud to have six new Associate Editors join the IJGI editorial board, as of late July:
Prof. Dr. Maria Antonia Brovelli, |
Prof. Dr. Huayi Wu, |
Dr. Wei Huang, |
Dr. Godwin Yeboah, |
Dr. Mingshu Wang, |
Prof. Dr. Sisi Zlatanova, |
Prof. Dr. Maria Antonia Brovelli is a professor of GIS at the Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) and a member of the School of Doctoral Studies in Data Science at “Roma La Sapienza”. She is the chair of ISPRS WG IV/4 “Collaborative Crowdsourced Cloud Mapping (C3M)”; a member of ESA ACEO (Advisory Committee of Earth Observation); co-chair of the United Nations Open GIS Initiative; and chair of the UN-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management) Academic Network. Her research is in the field of geospatial webs, geodata science, citizen science, open science, open data, open geospatial software and geospatial artificial intelligence.
Dr. Wei Huang is a professor at Tongji University in Shanghai, China, and adjunct professor at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. His research interests lie in volunteer geographic information, urban computing, transportation geography and computational social science, focusing on using big data and artificial intelligence to explore the complex spatio-temporal behavior patterns of human beings. In addition, his research aims to study the generation mechanism and spatio-temporal propagation law of urban and social events, so as to better understand the interaction mechanism between human activities and urban systems, with applications in social perception, urban sustainable development, policy making, etc.
Dr. Mingshu Wang is a senior lecturer (associate professor) and doctoral supervisor in geospatial data science at the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK. His research focuses on geographic data science and urban science. He received his bachelor's degree from Nanjing University and his master's degree and doctor's degree from the University of Georgia. He was a permanent assistant professor in the School of Geographic Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He has received research grants from the World Bank, Dutch Research Council (NWO), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Microsoft Azure Research Award. He is currently secretary of the International Society of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry (ISPRS) IV/6 Working Group, editor of Asian Geographer, associate editor of Regional Studies, Regional Science and editorial board member and guest editor of several international journals. His research interests include GIScience, geodata science, urban informatics and city and regional development.
Prof. Dr. Huayi Wu is a professor at Wuhan University, doctoral supervisor and associate director of The State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering, and has made outstanding contributions to the National Talent Project. He has presided over and participated in more than 30 projects, and has won one National Science and Technology Progress Award (Innovation Team) and three other prizes. He is the scientific network consultant of the United Nations Expert Committee on Geographic Information Management and the chair of the Working Committee of GIS Theory and Method of China Geographic Information Industry Association. His research interests cover spatial analysis, spatial statistics, web-based GIS, geospatial information sharing, geoprocessing and high-performance computation.
Dr. Godwin Yeboah is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Global Sustainable Development based at the University of Warwick. He is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), British Council UK Panel Member on Social Sciences (2015-2020) and a member of the State of the Map (SoTM) 2019–2020 Academic Track Leading Scientific Committee. His research interests include GIScience, citizen science, spatial analysis, geomatics, open-source, geocomputation, human–environment interactions, urban informatics and sustainable development.
Prof. Dr. Sisi Zlatanova is a professor at the School of Built Environment, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture, University of New South Wales. She is the president of ISPRS TC IV on spatial information science, the treasurer of UDMS and a co-chair of OGC SWG IndoorGML. Prof. Dr. Zlatanova has been active in attending and organizing several international conferences such as Gi4DM, UDMS, 3D GeoInfo, Indoor3D, etc. Her research interests include geospatial information systems, data structures, database management, building information modeling, digital twin, photogrammetry and remote sensing, surveying, conceptual modeling and mobile technologies.
We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Maria Antonia Brovelli, Dr. Wei Huang, Dr. Mingshu Wang, Prof. Dr. Huayi Wu, Dr. Godwin Yeboah and Prof. Dr. Sisi Zlatanova as the first Associate Editors of IJGI, and look forward to their contribution to the journal’s continued success.