17 February 2021
NEW Open Access Book: "Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of Metallic Glasses"

In this new book, three materials scientists and engineers at the University of North Texas, Denton, USA, Vahid Hasannaeimi, Maryam Sadeghilaridjani and Sundeep Mukherjee, undertake a comprehensive overview of metallic glasses and their electrochemical and corrosion properties. Metallic glasses, also known as amorphous metals, are relatively novel engineering alloys which possess high strength and superior wear and corrosion resistance compared with more common alloys with a crystalline structure.

After a brief introduction to the types of corrosion, and the general synthesis and microstructure of metallic glasses, the authors provide three detailed chapters each covering one group of metallic alloys. Firstly, the book covers Zirconium (Zr)-based Bulk Metallic Glasses. These show great glass-forming ability and high elasticity. Their biocompatible nature makes them especially attractive for use in implants.

Secondly, the next chapter covers Fe-, Ni- and Co-based alongside Cu- and Cr-based bulk metallic glasses under the heading of "High-Density Metallic Glasses". The corrosion-resistance of Fe-based metallic glass is enhanced by addition of alloying elements such as Chromium or Molybdenum.

Lastly, Hasannaeimi, Sadeghilaridjani and Mukherjee provide an overview of "Low-Density Metallic Glasses" based on Ti, Mg, Al, and Ca. These types "are attractive for wide ranging structural applications because of their low density and high specific strength and may be particularly suitable for bioimplant applications because oftheir superior mechanical properties and biocompatibility". They are likely to be used more in areas where low weight and high resistance to surface degradation are critical.

The book is openly available for DOWNLOAD from MDPI Books. It provides an excellent primer to metallic glasses and may help to inform further research and applications.


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