18 December 2020
Open for Application: First Photography Exhibition in Remote Sensing

We are pleased to announce that the First Photographic Exhibition is open for application for authors that have papers published in Remote Sensing. You can apply to exhibit a striking picture to summarize the content of your publication and represent the topic of the article in an attention-grabbing way, or an introduction video to show your published research. We believe that the exhibition will establish further communications between authors and readers.

The details about the application can be found below. If your pictures/videos are selected to be posted online, it will be available for all scholars within two months.

Website Link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/photography_exhibition

Please see below for instructions on application steps.

Step 1: Click the “Submit Your Image/Video”. If you have not registered an account with MDPI, you will be asked to register one.


Step 2: Select one article you have published in Remote Sensing and select which type you want to submit, then click “Submit”.


Step 3: We will explain what information you need to provide and which requirements you need to be aware of, based on three types.

  1. Picture
    Title (it will be displayed to the public)
    Image (jpeg, png), minimum size: 250px*166px
    Copyright holder (please state who owns the copyright of your item(s).)
  1. Video with a cover
    Title (it will be displayed to the public)
    Video (mp4), (1–4 minutes, maximum: 200 MB)
    Cover image (jpeg, png), minimum size: 250px*166px
    Copyright holder (please state who owns the copyright of your item(s).)
  1. Picture with a story or introduction
    Title (it will be displayed to the public)
    Image (jpeg, png), Minimum Size: 250px*166px
    Description, maximum: 500 characters with space
    Copyright holder (please state who owns the copyright of your item(s).)

Step 4: When you finish uploading the files, please click “Submit” and there will be preview data if you submit your application successfully.

Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email alert after it has been approved or rejected.

If you are interested in the exhibition, please do not miss this chance to share your research results with us.

Remote Sensing Editorial Office

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