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17 January 2025
Microorganisms Exceptional Reviewers List 2024

We are thrilled to share the updated Exceptional Reviewers List 2024. This program was designed to recognize and honor scholars who have delivered consistently exceptional review reports to our journal. Committed to fostering rigorous research and promoting knowledge exchange, Microorganisms (ISSN: 2076-2607) recognizes the significant role that our reviewers play in maintaining the quality and integrity of the articles we publish. According to surveys conducted in 2023, 91% of our authors rate our peer-review process as good or excellent thanks to our pool of excellent reviewers.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the reviewers who have generously volunteered their time and expertise to assist in Microorganisms’s peer-review process. Their dedication and attention to detail in evaluating manuscripts, offering valuable feedback, and contributing to academic rigor are truly commendable.
The Exceptional Reviewers List was introduced in 2024, and we will be selecting a group of outstanding reviewers and introducing them here every quarter.
Name: Dr. Matthias Gimpel |
Name: Dr. Claudia Marcela Arenas Gómez |
Name: Dr. Bouayad Noureddin |
Name: Dr. Dayane Moraes |
Name: Dr. Julija Armalyte |
Name: Dr. Ana María Calderón De La Barca |
Name: Dr. Marcelo Boriollo |
Name: Dr. Nemanja Zdravkovic
Name: Dr. Martyna Kasela |
Name: Dr. Michelle Allen |
Name: Dr. Marco Lalle |
Name: Dr. Lee R Haines |
Name: Dr. Elżbieta Hać-Szymańczuk |
Name: Dr. John D. Perry |
Name: Dr. Francesco Faggioli Affiliation: Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria - Centro di Ricerca Difesa e Certificazione, Via C.G. Bertero, 22, 00156, Rome, Italy |
Name: Dr. Peter Ivanov Hristov |
Name: Prof. Dorota Formanowicz |
Name: Dr. Giacomo Fais |
Name: Dr. Marcos Busanello |
Name: Dr. Trevor Williams |
Name: Prof. Maria de Lurdes Nunes Enes Dapkevicius Affiliation: University of the Azores: Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal |
Name: Dr. Elizabeth Goya-Jorge |
Name: Prof. Dr. Vladimir R. Kaberdin |
Name: Dr. José Felipe Orzuna-Orzuna |
Name: Dr. Khald Blau |
Name: Dr. Bruna Leal Maske |
Name: Dr. Sandra Pérez |
Name: Dr. Elena Krachmarova |
Name: Dr. Javier Seravalli |
Name: Dr. Elizabeth Durán-Campos |
See what our reviewers say about the review process of Microorganisms:
“I am an animal scientist and the main topics revised in Microorganisms journal are related to animal science. Special focus is applied to animal production, milk quality, and dairy cattle health. Specific topics involve mastitis-causing pathogens and epidemiological indexes.”—Dr. Marcos Busanello
“My experience as a reviewer for Microorganisms is positive. The website is easy to use, and the editors promptly responded when presented with ethical issues in manuscripts. Although the number of allocated characters does not allow for that, I’d like to add that the supporting staff are very kind and helpful. On a less positive note, I’d like to say that one week is often too short to complete an in-depth review. Especially when presented with long, dense manuscripts, with review papers, or with manuscripts on very novel or very complex themes, MDPI would benefit from increasing the review time to two weeks. I know that the short revision times are emblematic of this publisher and can be viewed as one of its strong points by some; however, they are also one of its shortcomings in the opinion of many in the scientific community. Extending them slightly might be beneficial in terms of image.”—Dr. Maria De Lurdes Dapkevicius
“It was my pleasure to review manuscripts submitted to Microorganisms. I highly value the assistance of the Editorial Office that makes the process of reviewing convenient and professional.”—Dr. Vladimir R. Kaberdin
“My experience as a reviewer for Microorganisms has been excellent. The guidelines and deadlines provided by the editors have helped me to schedule better and provide more thorough and detailed reviews for each manuscript. I believe that the important thing is to help authors achieve the highest quality in their manuscripts but in a respectful manner.”—Dr. José Felipe Orzuna-Orzuna
“To ensure that submitted research meets the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity, I carefully evaluate the originality, methodological rigor, data interpretation, and overall importance of the scientific papers that I review. The peer-review process has improved my comprehension of the peer-review procedure and sharpened my ability to provide authors with helpful, practical criticism. While respecting the authors’ efforts, my reviews seek to improve the research’s significance, accuracy, and clarity. Reviewing process has given me a strong eye for recognizing potential methodological problems, gaps in data interpretation, and areas that need to be clarified more.” —Dr. Elena Krachmarova
You can read more testimonials here.