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Proceeding Paper

RETRACTED: Biodiversity Loss with Habitat and Risk of New Diseases †

Noble Pharmacy College, Junagadh, Gujarat 362310, India
Presented at the 1st International Electronic Conference on Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution, 15–31 March 2021; Available online:
Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 2(1), 1;
Published: 12 March 2021 / Retracted: 17 January 2025


Biodiversity is the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region. It refers to the varieties of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they form. Approximately half of Earth’s terrestrial surface is considered to be in a natural or semi-natural condition. It relates to the variability among living organisms on the Earth, including the variability within and between species and that within and between ecosystems. The degradation of nature is among the most serious issues that the world faces, but current targets and consequent actions amount, at best, to a managed decline. Required now are bold and well-defined goals and a credible set of actions to restore the abundance of nature to levels that enable both people and nature to thrive. Human population density strongly correlates with the risk of emergence for all major classes of infectious disease. The maintenance of biodiversity is hypothesised to reduce pathogen prevalence and consequently human disease risk through the dilution effect. However, assuming microbial diversity correlates with that of all other life forms, there may be increased potential for novel pathogens to emerge from biodiverse regions. Here, we present a theoretical framework that exploits the species–area relationship (SAR) to link habitat biodiversity and fragmentation with the exposure to novel infectious diseases.By exploiting ecological theory, it is possible to identify high-risk areas for risk mitigation and mitigation measures that may simultaneously reduce risk and conserve biodiversity, a problem that has previously been described as both conceptually and practically challenging.

1. Introduction

The biological wealth of the planet has been declining rapidly. Important causes are: 1. Natural causes such as floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. 2. Habitat loss and fragmentation; this is the most important cause driving animals and plants to extinction. The most dramatic examples of habitat loss come from tropical rain forests. Once covering more than 14 percent of the Earth’s land surface, these rain forests now cover no more than 6 percent. In addition tototal loss, the degradation of many habitats by pollution also threatens the survival of many species. When large habitats are broken up into small fragments due to various human activities, mammals and birds requiring large territories and certain animals with migratory habits are badly affected, leading to a decline inthe population. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, over-population, pollution, global warming, etc. [1]. Human population density strongly correlates with the risk of emergence for all major classes ofinfectious disease [2]. Zoonotic infections are those among people that come from animal sources, and biodiversity has been correlated with the emergence of novel zoonotic infectious diseases at the macro-scale [3].
More specifically, the number of mammalian hosts for zoonotic infections increases with species richness among mammals [4,5]. Thus, human encroachment into species-rich habitats may simultaneously decrease biodiversity and increase exposure of people to novel microbes [6,7,8,9,10]. The maintenance of biodiversity is hypothesised to reduce pathogenprevalence and consequently human disease risk through the dilutioneffect [8]. However, assuming microbial diversity correlates with that of allother life forms, there may be increased potential for novel pathogens toemerge from biodiverse regions.Recent advances have linked anthropogenic land conversion to multi-host models for pathogen transmission between species in intact and degraded habitats [9], quantifying the changing infection risk across altered landscapes for multi-host pathogens. Given these results and the fact that current disease control policies focus on a rapid response to outbreaks [10], models that link biodiversity with habitat structures and novel pathogen emergence are lacking. Here, we present a theoretical framework that exploits the species–area relationship (SAR) to link habitat biodiversity and fragmentation with the exposure to novel infectious diseases.

2. Experiments

2.1. Fragmentation

Habitat fragmentation can be considered as a product of non-uniform habitat loss along habitat boundaries, meaning that habitat loss and fragmentation are concurrent in the majority of non-experimental scenarios [11]. Precisely altered experimental landscapes are required to disentangle these innately linked mechanisms and their consequences on biodiversity [1], and usage of the terms ‘fragmentation’ and ‘edge effects’ often lacks precision due to the inherently linked nature of habitat distributions, shapes, and areas. Figure 1 represents the various effects of fragmentation.

2.2. Model of Biodiversity

Increasing contact through habitat encroachment and fragmentation and the corresponding species diversity decline are likely to act antagonistically to affect hazards from novel pathogens. To explore this interaction, we first link the SAR to microbial diversity. The SAR predicts that at the landscape level, the number of species, S, contained within similarly classed habitat fragments (or patches, i) scales with patch area, A. The exact SAR formulation is debated; here, we use the power–law relationship [12] which has been extensively demonstrated for vertebrates, invertebrates, plants [13], and, importantly, microbial communities. Thus, the formulation of the SAR used states that the number of patch-associated species (Si) scales with patch area (Ai) following a relationship with power law with magnitude c and rate of decline z. Si = cAzi.

2.3. Emergence Model with Risk Regarding Infectious Disease

To model the risk (R) of infection emergence from the natural habitat into the expanding human population, we defined R as the product of the relative number of potential disease-causing agents within that habitat, which we assumed to scale linearly with fragment biodiversity (Si), and the area over which the expanding human population comes into uniform contact with this habitat, which we assumedto berepresented by the perimeter of the habitat (Pi). Initially, we assumed that infectious disease-causing agents within the natural habitat correlate directly with all habitat biodiversity, i.e., that the total hazard from novel pathogens is proportional to patch biodiversity. Thus, the risk for each patch iis: Ri = SiPi. To investigate division effects, we compared k identically shaped and scaled fragments for differing SAR values of z, while allowing total area to vary [14].

2.4. Encroachment Model

For complex patterns of fragmentation effect, of encroachment strategies with various parameters and division effects, we simulated the erosion of two-dimensional habitats to generate landscapes containing different numbers, shapes, and sizes of patch to model the potential impact of fragmentation on risk in complex landscapes. We modelled the encroachment of an expanding population into a closed, homogeneous habitat [15]. In simulations, the number of species (Si) contained within patch areas (Ai) was expressed between 0 and 1, and wasa relative measure, where 1 corresponds to the total number of species (S0) contained within the natural habitat at time zero (A0 = 106). Hence, this equation can be expressed as SicAzi = S0.

2.5. Cartographic Estimation of Risk Associated with African Tropical Forest Encroachment

To see how our model may have real-world applications, we applied it to forest fragmentation in an African tropical forest. The African forests were chosen because important global infectious diseases, such as EVD, falciparum malaria, HIV, and Zika virus have emerged from them, and because they are highly diverse with relatively defined boundaries. A binary mask of forested areas was generated by selecting the following GlobCover classes; closed to open(greater than 15%) broad-leaved evergreen and/or semi-deciduous forest (greater than 5 m), closed (greater than 40%) broad-leaved deciduous forest (greater than 5 m), closed (greater than 40%) needle-leaved evergreen forest (greater than 5 m), closed to open (greater than 15%) mixed broad-leaved and needle-leaved forest (greater than 5 m), and closed (greater than 40%) broad-leaved forest [16].

2.6. Pandemic Risk Associated with African Tropical Forest Encroachment

The pandemic potential of such agents following initial cross-species transmission events (spillover) depends on subsequent human-to-human transmission, and thus will be driven by human density and connectivity. Understanding this fornovel agents will help inform surveillance programmes. Therefore, we modelled potential spread and pandemic risk using network theory by converting the pixel grid into a network [17]. To estimate the potential for pandemics from emerging diseases, such as EVD, we modelled disease spread between 3 km pixels across Africa.We assumed the potential for spread between adjacent pixels a and b was proportional to the product of the population densities, so that pandemics were likely to travel along paths of high population density. To estimate the relative chance of a source pixel image x resulting in spread to a destination pixel image y, we converted the pixel image to a network using 4-connectivity, with pixels representing nodes and edge weights between adjacent pixels a and b, given by d(a,b) 1/papbt.

2.7. Ebola Virus Disease Modelling

We tested the predictive capacity of our cartographic model for an infectious disease system from African forests where index case data were available, namely EVD emergence. This system is not an ideal model for our system, which aims to model the risk from pathogen diversity; however, there are several Ebola virus species and ebolaviruses have been linked to numerous host species, including bats and primates, and linked to high-biodiversity areas and forest fragmentation [18].

3. Results

We assessed the impact of division effects by modelling k identically shaped and scaled fragments for differing SAR values of z, while allowing total area to vary (Figure 2). When biodiversity is held constant, eRIDE increases with k, for z < 0.5. Similarly, when eRIDE is held constant, biodiversity decreases with k for z < 0.5. The point at which biodiversity and eRIDE are the same between k and 1 tends towards z < 0.5 as k increases ¼. Analyses of invertebrate, plant, vertebrate, and microbial systems suggest z does not reach 0.5. Thus, we predict that increased habitat division will result in increased relative eRIDE for all biologically relevant scenarios where contact occurs at the habitat edge. We observed that increasing the dilution effect increased the extent to which division influenced eRIDE (Figure 2a). A strong correlation identified solidity, the ratio of the habitat’s area to the area of its convex hull, as a good summary statistic for the proportion of core habitat in these simple habitat shapes (Figure 2c). In this context, solidity as a measure of shape complexity has the additional benefit of being scaleindependent.
As a variable with no units, area, and thus solidity, isindependent of de Broglie’s frequency and is only affected byamplitude, while perimeter (and thus eRIDE) depends on both amplitude and frequency. Solidity demonstrated a strong negative correlation with eRIDE (Figure 2d). The predicted relationships between eRIDE and the four different classes of fragmentation effect (Figure 1) are summarised. Our encroachment models generated heterogeneous landscape scenarios with large variance in metrics for all fragmentation classes.The eRIDE metric was seen to work best as a predictor of EVD emergence over smaller spatial scales; a 10–12-fold increase in eRIDE was observed in areas within 5 km, compared to a 7–8-fold increase in areas within 5–60 km of known EVD outbreak cases.

4. Discussion

By using the well-characterised species–area relationship from ecology, we have developed a model framework allowing us to predict that how people encroach into natural habitats determines howthey experience the risk of novel infectious disease emergence. Overall, our model suggests that there is an argument for maintaining biodiversity and reducing encroachment for the benefit of human health through reduction in the emergence of novel infectious agents. This is in support of another recent analysis, which employed a different strategy to suggest that the risk of pathogen spillover is highest at intermediatelevels of habitat loss [19]. Our model considers the total hazard across all habitat-associated pathogens. We believe that this general framework may negate some of the need for single system modelling [20], as it may be applicable for all pathogens, from macro- to micro-parasites. Such an approach may inform land-use strategies inscenarios where fewor no biological data are available, and istherefore also pertinent regarding the emergence of ‘Disease X’. The index ranking of various countries is represented in Figure 3.
Our model assumes contact occurs at the edge of habitats and thus is more applicable to forest-like systems. The generalisability of our results and the interaction between fragmentation and eRIDE is likely robust until some contact diffusion threshold is reached, and thus if systems such as grasslands have different contact patterns, we predict alternative scenarios may be more likely. In particular, with regard to the production of antimicrobial drugs from microbes, many scientists have carried out work on actinomycetes microbes [21,22,23]. These scenarios and measures of SAR-critical parameters such as c and nestedness require future detailed modelling and field studies. Future models of eRIDE integrating human movement data that account for internal and regional movements, along with seasonal variations, and across other regions, will be valuable efforts [24,25].

5. Conclusions

In summary, our general model can be directly applied to establish optimal land-use strategies or to identify strategic sites for disease surveillance. As human populations continue to expand into habitats, we propose that such general frameworks are essential for policymakers, because they provide clear guiding principles that enable common ground to be established between species conservation and novel disease emergence risk mitigation. The vast scale of the estimated pandemic-associated risk across Africa with respect to the emergence of EVD in Western Africa in 2014 clearly demonstrates that internationally coordinated efforts are required to avoid catastrophic events in the future. However, our model suggests that the implementation of smaller-scale land-use strategies linked with conservation efforts may help to improve the overall burden fromemerging infectious disease.

Author Contributions

D.R. read and approved the manuscript for publication. D.R. contributed to methodology, conceptualization, investigation, methodology, resources, literature review, and formal analysis of study data, and drafted and edited the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

No animals used in this research.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data available on request.


The author wishes to thank colleagues for their help with this work. Additionally, thanks are given to Noble Pharmacy College for support.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
SARSpecies–area relationship
HIVHuman immunodeficiency virus


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Figure 1. Habitat fragmentation effects: (A) reduced area, (B) increased area, and (C) increased edge [1].
Figure 1. Habitat fragmentation effects: (A) reduced area, (B) increased area, and (C) increased edge [1].
Blsf 02 00001 g001
Figure 2. Linking fragmentation effect with (a) patches, (b) habitat, (c) core ratio, and (d) eRIDE.
Figure 2. Linking fragmentation effect with (a) patches, (b) habitat, (c) core ratio, and (d) eRIDE.
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Figure 3. Index rankings per country. Numbers displayed are the sums of all (a) eRIDE and (b) pandemic risk index pixel values that fall within the country boundaries.
Figure 3. Index rankings per country. Numbers displayed are the sums of all (a) eRIDE and (b) pandemic risk index pixel values that fall within the country boundaries.
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Ram, D. RETRACTED: Biodiversity Loss with Habitat and Risk of New Diseases. Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 2, 1.

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Ram D. RETRACTED: Biodiversity Loss with Habitat and Risk of New Diseases. Biology and Life Sciences Forum. 2021; 2(1):1.

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Ram, Darshit. 2021. "RETRACTED: Biodiversity Loss with Habitat and Risk of New Diseases" Biology and Life Sciences Forum 2, no. 1: 1.

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Ram, D. (2021). RETRACTED: Biodiversity Loss with Habitat and Risk of New Diseases. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 2(1), 1.

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