Evaluation of Different Normalization and Analysis Procedures for Illumina Gene Expression Microarray Data Involving Small Changes
:1. Introduction
1.1. Generating Bead Summary Data
1.2. Transformation and Normalization
1.3. Analysis of Differential Expression
2. Experimental Section
2.1. Animals
2.2. Microarray Experiments
2.3. Microarray Data Analysis
2.3.1. Normalization and Differential Expression Analysis
- (1)
- GenomeStudio v2010.3—The Illumina Custom algorithm in the GenomeStudio software assesses three components of variation (sequence specific biological variation, non-specific biological variation and technical error). Probes returning a p value < 0.05 in comparisons of the control and test classes were considered to be detecting differential expression. A more detailed description is given in the GenomeStudio Gene Expression Module User Guide [31].
- (2)
- GeneSpring GX 11.0 Software—The usual default settings of the GeneSpring program apply further transformation and normalization steps; however, this can introduce substantial artefacts when applied to data already normalized by other approaches. For these reasons, these additional normalization steps were not applied. Differential expression was determined by an unpaired t test (p < 0.05).
- (3)
- Max Cover (α,β)-k Feature Set Approach—Max Cover (α,β)-FS is a multivariate method that selects a set of probes that, as a collective, can discriminate well between the experimental test and control groups [27]. This algorithm consists of a two-stage filter process. Firstly, Fayyad and Irani’s algorithm [32] is used to discretise the data. For each probe, the algorithm orders the samples based on signal intensity and converts continuous data to binary data based on different intensity thresholds. It then selects the threshold that minimizes the class-information entropy of the samples, creating a binary dataset and discards the probes that are not discriminative enough, according to the minimum description length principle (filtering) [27]. Secondly, the algorithm finds a solution for the Max Cover (α,β)-k Feature Set problem [24]. This is achieved by comparing, for each probe, all possible pairs of samples, whether controls or tests, in order to extract an optimal set (solution) of probes (“features”) with both strong inter-class differentiation and strong intra-class similarity [25,26,27]. This approach differs from statistical methods, such as GenomeStudio and GeneSpring, in that instead of only considering means and variance measures, it preserves information about the individual samples within each class. It also identifies solutions involving sets of probes. These solutions reflect interrelationships between different probes—information which is often lost when considering each probe individually.
2.3.2. Filtering of Non-Specific Probe Signals
2.3.3. Assessment of Probe Set Concordance
2.3.4. Summary of Analysis and Evaluation
2.4. Pathway Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Comparison of Normalization Methods
3.1.1. Probe Set Generation
No Normalization | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |
Heart Dataset | |||||
GenomeStudio | 503 (88.2) | 760 (80.4) | 738 (83.3) | 787 (78.8) | 791 (74.5) |
GeneSpring | 724 (73.6) | 1,235 (78.0) | 1,374 (78.1) | 1,375 (78.3) | 1,324 (77.3) |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | 781 (71.3) | 1,181 (76.8) | 1,282 (78.0) | 1,278 (78.0) | 1,231 (77.1) |
Brain Dataset | |||||
GenomeStudio | * | 44 (82.4) | 93 (70.2) | 95 (56.9) | 85 (67.2) |
GeneSpring | * | 134 (57.9) | 248 (71.5) | 248 (70.0) | 209 (64.8) |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | * | 190 (43.8) | 402 (66.3) | 401 (66.4) | 320 (58.6) |
3.1.2. Effects of the Different Normalization Strategies on Probe Set Concordance
3.2. Comparison of Analytical Approaches
3.2.1. Definition of Concordance for Comparisons of Analytical Approaches
3.2.2. Effects of the Different Analytical Approaches on Probe Set Concordance
3.3. Comparison with Bioconductor Packages
3.4. Comparison of Pathway Analysis Outcomes
3.4.1. Definition of Concordance for Comparisons of Enriched Pathways
Heart Dataset | ||||
Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |
GenomeStudio | 14 (12) | 11 (8) | 16 (10) | 18 (11) |
GeneSpring | 24 (22) | 18 (16) | 16 (13) | 18 (17) |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | 18 (18) | 20 (16) | 19 (15) | 19 (18) |
Brain Dataset | ||||
Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |
GenomeStudio | 0 (0) | 2 (2) | 3 (2) | 3 (3) |
GeneSpring | 2 (0) | 2 (2) | 2 (2) | 3 (2) |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | 4 (0) | 4 (2) | 5 (2) | 6 (3) |
3.4.2. Effects of Different Normalization and Analytical Approaches on Pathway Analysis
3.4.3. Probe Set Concordance and Outcomes of Pathway Analysis
4. Discussion
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- The No Normalization strategy may be poorly suited to discovery-driven research.
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- Background correction in GenomeStudio generally led to a reduction in the size of probe sets, but did not affect percentage concordance.
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- Of the four Illumina GenomeStudio normalization strategies, Cubic Spline, Quantile and Rank Invariant generally gave comparable outcomes for a particular analytical approach, although performance sometimes varied between the datasets. (Average did not perform as well, particularly in the brain dataset.)
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- Different analytical approaches (GenomeStudio, GeneSpring, Max Cover (α,β)-FS) often generated quite different probe sets that were enriched for different pathways, even when using the same normalization strategy.
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- Most combinations of normalization strategy and analytical approach compared favourably with the Bioconductor tools lumi and limma.
5. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
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Heart–GenomeStudio | ||||||||
No Norm | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | ||||
No Norm | X | 548 (58.0) | 468 (52.8) | 486 (48.6) | 510 (48.0) | |||
Average | 548 (96.1) | X | 775 (87.5) | 845 (84.6) | 872 (82.1) | |||
Cubic Spline | 468 (82.1) | 775 (82.0) | X | 873 (87.4) | 836 (78.7) | |||
Quantile | 486 (85.3) | 845 (89.4) | 873 (98.5) | X | 945 (89.0) | |||
Rank Invariant | 510 (89.5) | 872 (92.3) | 836 (94.4) | 945 (74.2) | X | |||
Heart–GeneSpring | ||||||||
No Norm | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | ||||
No Norm | X | 821 (56.6) | 696 (45.1) | 694 (45.1) | 685 (45.5) | |||
Average | 821 (83.4) | X | 1,241 (80.5) | 1,241 (80.6) | 1,224 (81.3) | |||
Cubic Spline | 696 (70.7) | 1,241 (85.5) | X | 1,509 (98.1) | 1,373 (91.2) | |||
Quantile | 694 (70.5) | 1,241 (85.5) | 1,509 (97.9) | X | 1,374 (91.2) | |||
Rank Invariant | 685 (69.6) | 1,224 (84.4) | 1,373 (89.0) | 1,374 (89.3) | X | |||
Heart–Max Cover (α,β)-FS | ||||||||
No Norm | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | ||||
No Norm | X | 870 (56.6) | 759 (46.2) | 752 (45.9) | 742 (46.5) | |||
Average | 870 (79.5) | X | 1,297 (78.9) | 1,288 (78.6) | 1,268 (79.5) | |||
Cubic Spline | 759 (69.3) | 1,297 (84.4) | X | 1,616 (98.6) | 1,456 (91.3) | |||
Quantile | 752 (68.7) | 1,288 (83.8) | 1,616 (98.3) | X | 1,456 (91.3) | |||
Rank Invariant | 742 (67.8) | 1,268 (82.5) | 1,456 (88.6) | 1,456 (88.8) | X | |||
Brain–GenomeStudio | ||||||||
Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |||||
Average | X | 44 (33.1) | 44 (26.3) | 43 (33.9) | ||||
Cubic Spline | 44 (83.0) | X | 132 (79.0) | 104 (81.9) | ||||
Quantile | 44 (83.0) | 132 (99.2) | X | 109 (85.8) | ||||
Rank Invariant | 43 (81.1) | 104 (78.2) | 109 (65.3) | X | ||||
Brain–GeneSpring | ||||||||
Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |||||
Average | X | 145 (41.8) | 145 (40.8) | 111 (34.4) | ||||
Cubic Spline | 145 (62.8) | X | 341 (96.1) | 258 (79.9) | ||||
Quantile | 145 (62.8) | 341 (98.3) | X | 259 (80.2) | ||||
Rank Invariant | 111 (48.1) | 258 (74.4) | 259 (73.0) | X | ||||
Brain–Max Cover (α,β)-FS | ||||||||
Average | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | ||||
Cubic Spline | X | 213 (35.1) | 209 (34.6) | 149 (27.2) | ||||
Quantile | 213 (49.0) | X | 588 (97.4) | 406 (74.2) | ||||
Rank Invariant | 209 (48.0) | 588 (96.9) | X | 406 (74.2) | ||||
Average | 149 (34.3) | 406 (66.9) | 406 (67.2) | X |
Heart–GenomeStudio | |||||
No Norm | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |
No Norm | X | 17 (34.0) | 16 (28.1) | 16 (26.2) | 17 (21.5) |
Average | 17 (100) | X | 47 (82.5) | 48 (78.7) | 49 (62.0) |
Cubic Spline | 16 (94.1) | 47 (94.0) | X | 57 (93.4) | 57 (72.2) |
Quantile | 16 (94.1) | 48 (96.0) | 57 (100) | X | 60 (75.9) |
Rank Invariant | 17 (100) | 49 (98.0) | 57 (100) | 60 (98.4) | X |
Heart–GenomeStudio | ||||||||
No Norm | Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | ||||
No Norm | X | 689 (50.6) | 621 (48.6) | 626 (47.9) | 648 (43.2) | |||
Average | 689 (92.7) | X | 1,146 (89.7) | 1,183 (90.4) | 1,242 (82.9) | |||
Cubic Spline | 621 (83.6) | 1,146 (80.2) | X | 1,249 (95.5) | 1,185 (79.1) | |||
Quantile | 626 (84.3) | 1,183 (86.9) | 1,249 (97.7) | X | 1,225 (81.7) | |||
Rank Invariant | 648 (87.2) | 1,242 (91.3) | 1,185 (92.7) | 1,225 (93.7) | X | |||
Brain–GenomeStudio | ||||||||
Average | Cubic Spline | Quantile | Rank Invariant | |||||
Average | X | 61 (33.0) | 61 (30.3) | 56 (45.2) | ||||
Cubic Spline | 61 (82.4) | X | 181 (90.0) | 113 (91.1) | ||||
Quantile | 61 (82.4) | 181 (97.8) | X | 114 (91.9) | ||||
Rank Invariant | 56 (75.7) | 113 (61.1) | 114 (56.7) | X |
Heart Dataset | vs. Lumi (2,239 probes) | vs. Limma (2,107 probes) | ||||
Number Concordant | Number Discordant | % Concord | Number Concordant | Number Discordant | % Concord | |
GenomeStudio | ||||||
No Norm | 551 | 19 | 96.7 | 535 | 35 | 93.9 |
Average | 935 | 10 | 98.9 | 922 | 23 | 97.6 |
Cubic Spline | 884 | 2 | 99.8 | 876 | 10 | 98.9 |
Quantile | 997 | 2 | 99.8 | 989 | 10 | 99.0 |
Rank Invariant | 1,060 | 2 | 99.8 | 1,051 | 11 | 99.0 |
GeneSpring | ||||||
No Norm | 828 | 156 | 84.1 | 820 | 164 | 83.3 |
Average | 1,371 | 80 | 94.5 | 1,366 | 85 | 94.1 |
Cubic Spline | 1,512 | 30 | 98.1 | 1,508 | 34 | 97.8 |
Quantile | 1,507 | 32 | 97.9 | 1,507 | 32 | 97.9 |
Rank Invariant | 1,460 | 46 | 96.9 | 1,458 | 48 | 96.8 |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | ||||||
No Norm | 900 | 195 | 82.2 | 885 | 210 | 80.8 |
Average | 1,382 | 155 | 89.9 | 1,365 | 172 | 88.8 |
Cubic Spline | 1,532 | 112 | 93.2 | 1,522 | 122 | 92.6 |
Quantile | 1,530 | 109 | 93.3 | 1,517 | 122 | 92.6 |
Rank Invariant | 1,480 | 115 | 92.8 | 1,464 | 131 | 91.8 |
Brain Dataset | vs. Lumi (488 probes) | vs. Limma (420 probes) | ||||
Number Concordant | Number Discordant | % Concord | Number Concordant | Number Discordant | % Concord | |
GenomeStudio | ||||||
No Norm | 1 | 0 | 100 | 1 | 0 | 100 |
Average | 47 | 6 | 88.7 | 43 | 10 | 81.1 |
Cubic Spline | 128 | 5 | 96.2 | 116 | 17 | 87.2 |
Quantile | 157 | 10 | 94.0 | 142 | 25 | 85.0 |
Rank Invariant | 118 | 9 | 92.9 | 107 | 20 | 84.3 |
GeneSpring | ||||||
No Norm | 1 | 3 | 25.0 | 1 | 3 | 25.0 |
Average | 161 | 70 | 69.7 | 151 | 80 | 65.4 |
Cubic Spline | 313 | 34 | 90.2 | 309 | 38 | 89.0 |
Quantile | 316 | 39 | 89.0 | 311 | 44 | 87.6 |
Rank Invariant | 271 | 52 | 83.9 | 261 | 62 | 80.8 |
Max Cover (α,β)-FS | ||||||
No Norm | 1 | 11 | 8.3 | 1 | 11 | 8.3 |
Average | 168 | 267 | 38.6 | 160 | 275 | 36.8 |
Cubic Spline | 298 | 309 | 49.1 | 280 | 327 | 46.1 |
Quantile | 299 | 305 | 49.5 | 283 | 321 | 46.9 |
Rank Invariant | 249 | 298 | 45.5 | 240 | 307 | 43.9 |
© 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
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Johnstone, D.M.; Riveros, C.; Heidari, M.; Graham, R.M.; Trinder, D.; Berretta, R.; Olynyk, J.K.; Scott, R.J.; Moscato, P.; Milward, E.A. Evaluation of Different Normalization and Analysis Procedures for Illumina Gene Expression Microarray Data Involving Small Changes. Microarrays 2013, 2, 131-152. https://doi.org/10.3390/microarrays2020131
Johnstone DM, Riveros C, Heidari M, Graham RM, Trinder D, Berretta R, Olynyk JK, Scott RJ, Moscato P, Milward EA. Evaluation of Different Normalization and Analysis Procedures for Illumina Gene Expression Microarray Data Involving Small Changes. Microarrays. 2013; 2(2):131-152. https://doi.org/10.3390/microarrays2020131
Chicago/Turabian StyleJohnstone, Daniel M., Carlos Riveros, Moones Heidari, Ross M. Graham, Debbie Trinder, Regina Berretta, John K. Olynyk, Rodney J. Scott, Pablo Moscato, and Elizabeth A. Milward. 2013. "Evaluation of Different Normalization and Analysis Procedures for Illumina Gene Expression Microarray Data Involving Small Changes" Microarrays 2, no. 2: 131-152. https://doi.org/10.3390/microarrays2020131
APA StyleJohnstone, D. M., Riveros, C., Heidari, M., Graham, R. M., Trinder, D., Berretta, R., Olynyk, J. K., Scott, R. J., Moscato, P., & Milward, E. A. (2013). Evaluation of Different Normalization and Analysis Procedures for Illumina Gene Expression Microarray Data Involving Small Changes. Microarrays, 2(2), 131-152. https://doi.org/10.3390/microarrays2020131