Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia
:1. Introduction
2. Concept and Matter of Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases
2.1. Semi-Autonomous Nature of Parental Responsibility
2.2. Renvoi
2.3. Habitual Residence
2.4. Parental Responsibility Arising Ex Lege
2.5. Applicable Law Provisions in the Hague Child Protection Convention
2.6. The Impact of the Applicable Law Provision on the Child Abduction Proceedings
3. Overview of the Case of Z. v. Croatia
3.1. Child Abduction Proceedings
3.2. ECHR Assessment
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Archive Sources
Abbott v. Abbott, 2010, 130 S Ct 1983.Adžić (2) v. Croatia, Application No. 19601/16, 2.5.2019.Adžić v. Croatia, Application No. 22643/14, 12.3.2015.Blaga v Romania, Application No. 54443/10, 1.7.2014.Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 2. Januar 2002 (BGBl. I S. 42, 2909; 2003 I S. 738), das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom 14. März 2023 (BGBl. 2023 I Nr. 72) geändert worden ist.C-111/17 PPU, OL vs. PQ, 2017,EU:C:2017:436.C-372/22 CM, 2023, EU:C:2023:364.C-393/18 PPU, UD vs. XB, 2018, EU:C:2018:835.C-468/18 R, 2019, EU:C:2019:666.C-499/15 PPU, W. and V. vs. X, 2017, EU:C:2017:118.C-501/20 M P A, 2022, EU:C:2022:619.C-512/17, HR, 2018, EU:C:2018:513.C-523/07 A, 2009, EU:C:2009:225.C-530/18 EP, 2019, EU:C:2019:583.C-572/21 CC, 2022, EU:C:2022:562.C-603/20 PPU MCP, 2021, EU:C:2021:231.C-644/20 W. J., 2022, EU:C:2022:371.C-759/18, OF, 2019, EU:C:2019:816.C-85/18 PPU, CV vs. DU, 2018, EU:C:2018:220.CJEU, Case C–400/10 PPU McB, 2010, EU:C:2010:582.Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia (Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske), U-III-4062/2020, 13.2.2021.Council of Europe, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 4 November 1950, ETS 5.Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000, OJ L 338, 23.12.2003, pp. 1–29.County Court of Zagreb (Županijski sud u Zagrebu), 10 Gž Ob-36/20-2, 15.1.2020.Fairfax v. Ireton, 2009, NZFLR 433, NZCA 100).Family Act (Obiteljski zakon), Official Gazette no 163/03.Family Act (Obiteljski zakon), Official Gazette nos 103/15, 98/19, 47/20, 49/23.Hunter v. Murrow, 2005, EWCA Civ 976, 12005 2 FLR 1119.Karadžić v. Croatia, Application No. 35030/04, 15.12.2005.Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 131 R1 Ob-1746/20-8, 21.10.2020.Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu) 146-R1 Ob-2395/2019-4, 11.12.2019.Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 130 R1 Ob-937/2019-22, 18.11.2019.Municipal Civil Court of Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 145-R1-Ob-2080/19-19, 15.11.2019.New Zealand Court of Appeal in Fairfax v. Ireton, Fairfax v. Ireton ([2009] NZCA 100, 12009) 3 NZLR 289.Paparrigopoilos v. Greece, Application No. 61657/16, 30.6.2022.Re D (A Child) (Abduction: Foreign Custody Rights), 2006, UKHL 51.Re JB (Child Abduction: Rights of Custody: Spain), 2003, EWHC 2130 (Fan), 20041 1 FLR 796.Re V-B (Minors: Child Abduction: Custody Rights), 1999, 2 FLR 192, 196B.Vujica v. Croatia, Application No. 56163/12, 8.10.2015.X. v. Latvia, Application No. 27853/09, 26.11.2013.Z. v. Croatia, Application No. 21347/21, 1.9.2022.Zaunegger v. Germany, Application No 22028/04, 3.12.2009.Published References
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1 | “(1) The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where—(a) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; and (b) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention. (2) The rights of custody mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) above may arise in particular by operation of law or by reason of a judicial or administrative decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of that State.” |
2 | UK, some of the USA states, New Zeeland, France, the Netherlands. (Schuz 2013, p. 151). |
3 | CJEU, Case C–400/10 PPU McB, 2010, EU:C:2010:582. |
4 | E.g., ECtHR, Paparrigopoilos v. Greece, Application No 61657/16, 30.6.2022; Zaunegger v. Germany, Application No 22028/04, 3.12.2009; For more information, see: (Hanke 2011; Koukoulis 2022). |
5 | “(1) The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by operation of law, without the intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the habitual residence of the child. (2) The attribution or extinction of parental responsibility by an agreement or a unilateral act, without intervention of a judicial or administrative authority, is governed by the law of the State of the child’s habitual residence at the time when the agreement or unilateral act takes effect. (3) Parental responsibility which exists under the law of the State of the child’s habitual residence subsists after a change of that habitual residence to another State. (4) If the child’s habitual residence changes, the attribution of parental responsibility by operation of law to a person who does not already have such responsibility is governed by the law of the State of the new habitual residence.” |
6 | ECtHR, Z. v. Croatia, Application No. 21347/21, 1.9. 2022. The ECtHR already conducted several cases against Croatia, in which a violation was established due to the improper implementation of the Child Abduction Convention—Karadžić v. Croatia, Application No. 35030/04, 15.12.2005; Adžić v. Croatia, Application No. 22643/14, 12.3.2015; Vujica v. Croatia, Application No. 56163/12, 8.10.2015; Adžić (2) v. Croatia, Application No. 19601/16, 2.5.2019. For the analysis of national legislation and court practice on child abduction, see: (Tomljenović and Kunda 2010; Župan and Ledić 2013; Hoško 2015; Župan and Hoško 2015; Župan et al. 2019, 2021). |
7 | According to Article 1626a of the German Civil Code, the mothers of children born out of wedlock have sole custody and fathers have no right unless both parents agree on joint custody or the court imposes it. Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 2. Januar 2002 (BGBl. I S. 42, 2909; 2003 I S. 738), das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom 14. März 2023 (BGBl. 2023 I Nr. 72) geändert worden ist. |
8 | The Family Act of 2003 (Obiteljski zakon, Official Gazette no 163/03) was in force at the time the children were born. Under Article 99(1), both parents of a child (regardless of whether the child was born in or out of wedlock) acquired parental responsibility jointly by operation of law. The current Family Act (Obiteljski zakon, Official Gazette nos 103/15, 98/19, 47/20, 49/23) kept the same regulation of joint parental responsibility in Article 104. |
9 | In this paper, the term “parental responsibility” is used generally, while the term “custody” is used only when it explicitly refers to Article 3 of the Child Abduction Convention. See also: (Scherpe 2009). |
10 | The Overall Conclusion of the Special Commission of October 1989 on the Operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, 29 ILM, 1990, para 9; (Freeman 2000). |
11 | Child Abduction Convention, Article 5(a)f; (Harrison et al. 2020). |
12 | Schuz’s proposal was supported in practice: Re V-B (Minors: Child Abduction: Custody Rights), 1999, 2 FLR 192, 196B; Hunter v. Murrow, 2005, EWCA Civ 976; Fairfax v. Ireton, 2009, NZFLR 433, NZCA 100; Re D (A Child) (Abduction: Foreign Custody Rights), 2006, UKHL 51; Abbott v. Abbott, 2010, 130 S Ct 1983. (Schuz 2013, p. 147). |
13 | Re JB (Child Abduction: Rights of Custody: Spain), 2003, EWHC 2130 (Fan), 20041 1 FLR 796. |
14 | Hunter v. Murrow, 2005, EWCA Civ 976, 12005 2 FLR 1119. |
15 | New Zealand Court of Appeal in Fairfax v. Ireton, 2009, NZCA 100, 12009 3 NZLR 289. |
16 | The concept was first introduced in the 1902 Guardianship Convention and it has since then been part of all Hague conventions dealing with family matters. |
17 | Although in early documents, including the Explanatory Report, this concept is considered exclusively factual, this is a terminological mistake. The determination of habitual residence presupposes the application of legal standards to the fact of a specific case. (Kunda 2019; Beaumont and Holliday 2021). |
18 | Z. v. Croatia, para 77. |
19 | C-523/07 A, 2009, EU:C:2009:225; C-512/17, HR, 2018, EU:C:2018:513; C-499/15 PPU, W. and V. vs. X, 2017, EU:C:2017:118; C-393/18 PPU, UD vs. XB, 2018, EU:C:2018:835; C-111/17 PPU, OL vs. PQ, 2017,EU:C:2017:436; C-85/18 PPU, CV vs. DU, EU:C:2018:220; C-372/22 CM, 2023, EU:C:2023:364; C-572/21 CC, 2022, EU:C:2022:562; C-644/20 W. J., 2022, EU:C:2022:371; C-603/20 PPU MCP, 2021, EU:C:2021:231; C-501/20 M P A, 2022, EU:C:2022:619; C-759/18, OF, 2019, EU:C:2019:816; C-530/18 EP, 2019, EU:C:2019:583; C-468/18 R, 2019, EU:C:2019:666. |
20 | McB, para 64. |
21 | Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 131 R1 Ob-1746/20-8, 21.10.2020. |
22 | Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu) 146-R1 Ob-2395/2019-4, 11.12.2019. |
23 | Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 130 R1 Ob-937/2019-22, 18.11.2019. |
24 | Child Protection Convention, Article 16(1) and (2). |
25 | Child Protection Convention, Article 16(3). |
26 | Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000, OJ L 338, 23.12.2003, pp. 1–29. |
27 | Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch. |
28 | Municipal Civil Court of Zagreb (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu), 145-R1-Ob-2080/19-19, 15.11.2019. |
29 | County Court of Zagreb (Županijski sud u Zagrebu), 10 Gž Ob-36/20-2, 15.1.2020. |
30 | Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia (Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske), U-III-4062/2020, 13.2.2021. |
31 | Council of Europe, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 4 November 1950, ETS 5. |
32 | Z. v. Croatia, para 89. |
33 | ECtHR already sanctioned insufficient reasoning in several child abduction cases: X. v. Latvia, Application No. 27853/09, 26.11.2013, para 106 and 107; Blaga v. Romania, Application No. 54443/10, 1.7.2014, para 70. |
34 | Z. v. Croatia, para 91. |
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Župan, M.; Drventić Barišin, M. Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia. Laws 2023, 12, 82.
Župan M, Drventić Barišin M. Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia. Laws. 2023; 12(5):82.
Chicago/Turabian StyleŽupan, Mirela, and Martina Drventić Barišin. 2023. "Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia" Laws 12, no. 5: 82.
APA StyleŽupan, M., & Drventić Barišin, M. (2023). Continuity of Parental Responsibility in Child Abduction Cases: Lesson Learned from the Case of Z. v. Croatia. Laws, 12(5), 82.