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28 August–1 September 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
8th Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology"

This conference is a platform for promoting cooperation between scientists sharing scientific interests in chemical biology and biological chemistry. The previous conference of this series was held in Katowice, Poland in September 2014. The 8th Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology" will specifically address the following research topics:

Drug design, research and development
Chemistry of natural compounds
Molecular biology
Carbohydrate chemistry
Structure, function and interactions of proteins
Engineered enzymes
Nucleic acids chemistry
Pharmacology and ADME
Drug formulations and drug delivery systems

The aim of the 8th Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology" is to develop a platform for scientific contacts between researchers dealing with biomedical sciences from the European and other countries and to support cooperation between scientists in this field.

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