
11–16 August 2013, Belfast, UK
The 11th International Mammalogical Congress

IMC returns to Europe after 24 years at a time when IUCN has identified 25% mammal species as at risk.   As a venue to share concerns, concepts and techniques among professional mammalogists, IMC has never been more relevant.  IMC11 Organising Committee hopes to welcome colleagues with diverse interests in the  biology, conservation  and management of mammals from throughout the world.  IMC11 will encourage active participation in the Congress program by maximising time for spoken papers and  posters  offered by delegates.

Queen's University Belfast is the venue and are pleased to host the 11th International Mammalogical Congress on behalf of the International Federation of Mammalogists and The Mammal Society.

The conference will take place between Sunday 11th and Friday 16th August 2013.

Following the high standards set over 40 years and most recently in Sun City (South Africa 2001), Sapporo (Japan, 2005) and Mendoza (Argentina, 2009), IMC11 Belfast (UK and Ireland) will combine internationally leading research and scholarship in mammalogy with an excellent social environment.  With the assistance of colleagues and students throughout the British Isles we will welcome delegates from throughout the world.

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