
23–26 October 2012, Washington, DC, USA
Sixth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine

Antimicrobial (AB) resistance is in the forefront as an obstacle of public health concern. Key issues include the selection of resistant microbial strains, mechanisms for the transfer of resistance elements, bacteria-environment-host communications, and the impact of resistance elements on bacterial “fitness” and virulence. Much attention has been given to dosing strategies that minimize the selection of resistant strains and to alternative therapeutic options for treating and preventing bacterial infections. Surveillance programs help human and animal health scientists explore and understand the global consequences of our past and present usage patterns. However, it is still unclear how best to utilize the insights we have acquired, how the various intervention options relate to our evolving therapeutic needs, and if there may be “unintended consequences” that should be considered when employing the various options and approaches that are currently being explored.

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