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27–28 September 2010, Leeds, England
4th European Water & Wastewater Management Conference & Exhibition

The European Water and Wastewater Management Conference (EWWMC) provides a forum to channel and highlight the latest ideas and developments and the theme of this year’s event is “Reducing the Environmental Footprint of the Water Industry”. It will explore how the industry is gearing up to the environmental and economic challenges by increasing the efficiency of existing technology, whilst pushing forward with the development of more novel approaches. It will debate how to deal with the seemingly contradictory requirements to deliver large reductions in its carbon footprint (enforced by the Carbon Reduction Commitment), whilst gearing up to meet the much tighter standards of the Water Framework Directive yet delivering both of these at a reduced cost to the consumer. The Conference hopes to show that such challenges pose opportunities and that many in the industry relish the prospects of moving out of recession by delivering a new generation of low-energy options, constructed and operated with a much reduced carbon footprint. The Conference offers highly respected key note speakers who will stimulate debate and discussions. There are a number of parallel sessions over the two days, with submitted papers covering the full breadth of water industry activities, each of these terminated with a convenor facilitated debate intended to fully engage the delegates. The event provides an ideal opportunity to be updated on the way ahead for the industry and is also the perfect opportunity for younger members to experience the lively debates and discussion that are such a feature of this industry.


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