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6–8 November 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Sustainable Consumption - Towards Action and Impact

More than 250 papers from all over the world and from different scientific disciplines were submitted to the conference. The result of a rigorous review process are 4 thematic sessions, 2 thematic symposia, 1 round table, 90 oral presentations and about 60 posters accepted for presentation at the conference covering a wide range of issues in the field of sustainable consumption.

The focus of the conference is on consumer behaviour, its social and cultural embeddedness, and its interdependencies with institutional, economic, physical and political frameworks. Researchers from different disciplines (e.g. Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Business Administration, Environmental Sciences, Ethics) are invited to interesting interdisciplinary discussions on different aspects of sustainable consumption. Prior to the main conference, a pre-conference for young researchers will provide a forum to discuss the present and future conditions and aims of research on sustainable consumption:

Keynote speakers:

- Erik Assadourian, World Watch Institute, USA
- Lucia Reisch, Copenhagen Business School, DK
- Inge Røpke, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DK
- Elizabeth Shove, Lancaster University, UK
- Kate Soper, London Metropolitan University, UK
- Arnold Tukker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO
- Alan Warde, University of Manchester, UK

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