
13–15 June 2018, Asnelles sur Mer (Normandie), France
GP2A-JFB 2018

The congress entitled "32èmes Journées Franco-Belges de Chimie Thérapeutique et 26èmes Conférences Européennes des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique", will take place between 13th and 15th June 2018 in "Les Tourelles Centre" on the beach of Asnelles-sur-Mer near Arromanches (Normandie, France).
The registration are open on :
It is still possible to propose PhD short communications (5 min), Young Researcher communications (15 min), or Poster communications.

Numerous prizes will be awarded.

Registrations are open until April 30th 2018
All details concerning the scientific program and accommodation are available on offical webpage.

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