
28 August–1 September 2016, Budapest, Hungry
13th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry (EuroBIC 13)

In 1992 European bioinorganic chemists and biochemists decided to create the conference series EUROBIC (European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference) to bring together 300-400 participants for exchanging their latest results and different points of view in the field of metalloenzymes, metalloproteins, interactions of DNA with inorganic complexes, toxicology of metal ions, medicinal use of metal complexes, etc. EUROBIC and ICBIC (International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry), both biennially meetings, are the classical conferences to obtain top-level information int he field of biological inorganic chemistry.
The first Conference was held in Newcastle in 1992, while the venue of the previous Conferences are Wroclaw 2006, Thessaloniki 2008, Barcelona 2010, Granada 2012, Zurich 2014. We line up into this illustrious series. Budapest organises the EUROBIC13 in 2016.
The scientific program will include invited plenary (8), keynote and session lectures (25-30) and contributed papers (40) and posters.
The following topics will be covered: Biocoordination chemistry: complexes of peptides, nucleotides and relatides ligands, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Nanotechnology; Biomineralization; Metals in medicine; Metal in the Environment; Metabolism of Metal ions; Metal ion sensing in Biology, Metalloproteins; Metals in the Brain; Metal ion interactions with nucleic acids; Spectroscopy and diffraction, Other topics.
We look forward to meeting you in Budapest in 2016.

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