
26–27 August 2015, Muenster, Germany
23rd Conference of the Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique (GP2A) will be organized as part of the 1st European Conference on Therapeutic Targets and Medicinal Chemistry

"Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l'Arc Atlantique" (GP2A) or Group of Medicinal Chemists of the Atlantic Arc is a study group on research and teaching in Medicinal Chemistry, which was created in 1992. It gathers medicinal chemists, mainly working in Faculties of Pharmacy and located in the different regions of the Atlantic Arc in the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal. More recently, this grouping has welcomed new members who do not belong stricto sensu to this area (such as Lille, Saarbrucken, Düsseldorf), in the framework of the GP2A network. This Grouping constitutes a focus for the exchange of ideas among scientists (including undergraduates) interested in basic research in medicinal chemistry but also in special areas of research in drug design, including combinatorial chemistry, quantitative structure-activity relationships and molecular modelling. GP2A gives an opportunity, especially to young scientists, to strengthen and extend their collaboration and exchange programs. The circle is open to external participation and is mainly constituted on the basis of previously existing bilateral co-operations between various laboratories. At the instigation of the starting core, it was decided to hold a scientific meeting each year in the shape of the GP2A Conferences. Every year, besides senior lecturing, the GP2A organisers wish to devote a large number of the conferences to short student oral presentations.

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