
5–8 September 2012, Toledo, Spain
3rd International Symposium on Biological Application of Dendrimers

Dendrimers are monodisperse polymeric material with branched architecture. Over the last few decades dendrimers have developed into one on the most promising research area of the modern natural sciences. Dendrimers have enormous potential for medical applications. The first Biodendrimer symposium was organised by Dra. Bryszewka and Dra. Klajnert in Lodz, Poland (2008); followed by Dra. Peng and Dr. Majoral in Porquerolles Island, France (2010). The Biodendrimer symposium, which will be held in Toledo (Spain) from 5th to 7th of September 2012, will be co-organised together with the second COST conference on “Biological Applications of Dendrimers” (Action COST TD-0802) whose Management Committee meeting will be held in the same venue on 8th of September.

The aim of this Biennial International Symposium on dendrimers is to bring together the research and industrial groups working on biological and medical applications of dendrimers both at the European and international levels, to present and discuss the recent developments in this scientific field and to promote fruitful collaborations among the different groups. The symposium is organised around a strong scientific programme based on plenary lectures and oral communications with sufficient breaks and social gatherings to provide for collaborative networking opportunities, including a welcome reception, poster sessions, coffee breaks, and poster prizes.

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