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25–27 October 2011, Kosice, Slovakia
International Scientific Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods - FF2011

Nutraceuticals and functional foods are intensively researched for their role in maintaining health and the preventing diseases. The science behind is growing rapidly not only because of the growing number of new substances or type of novel foods, but also while regulatory bodies require more and more evidence on efficacy, mode-of-action and safety. The conference goal is to provide a scientific forum for all stakeholders of nutraceuticals, functional foods and enable interactive exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge. The conference will focus on the evidence-based benefits of nutraceuticals and functional foods. At Food and Function 2011, leading scientists will present and discuss current advances in the research of nutraceuticals and functional foods. New scientific evidences that support or question the efficacy of already existing or prospective substances and applications will be conferred. In addition novel compounds, controversial but scientifically solid ideas, approaches and visions will be presented as well. Food and Function 2011 is a networking event. A unique opportunity to meet all the stakeholders of nutraceuticals and funtional foods. Meet those who influenced the past, influence the present and most importantly will enable the future of nutraceuticals and functional foods by means of basic research, clinical trials or regulatory efforts. Initiation of cross-border cooperations between scientists and institutions will be also facilitated during the conference. Researchers and expert scientists from research institutes and industry will present their recent findings and visions about the research, development, production, application and use of nutraceuticals and functional foods within the following subject areas:

- Gastrointestinal System
- Cardiovascular System
- Musculoskeletal System
- Urogenital System
- Dermatology
- Immune System
- Allergy
- Nervous System
- Cognitive System
- Weight Control, Obesity
- Aging
- Nutrigenomics
- Mechanisms of Action
- Clinical Trials and Claim Substantiation
- Novel approaches - Products and Benefits
- Novel food and related issues
- Adverse Effects, Safety
- Regulatory Issues and Barriers
- Future of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods - Products and Benefits

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