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2–3 November 2015, Dijon, Bourgogne, France
Resveratrol Regional Meeting 2015

After Resveratrol meeting 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014, it  is  a  great  pleasure  to  invite  you  to participate  in  Resveratrol 2015  meeting that will be held on 02-03 November in Dijon, France.
Resveratrol (trans-3,4’5-trihydroxystilbene), a main wine microcomponent, possesses a myriad of beneficial effects and acts at multiple levels such as cellular signaling, enzymatic pathways, apoptosis and gene expression to prevent or to fight coronary heart damages, cancers and degenerative diseases. The proofs of the health effects of resveratrol in humans are still under its way but the animal experiments are very promising.
During the 1½-day Resveratrol2015 meeting in Dijon, International and national speakers will give stimulating presentations on resveratrol relative to its bioproduction, its role in the grapevine ecosystem and the new discovers in health effects. Data presented during the two-day meeting will be the latest updates of scientific findings in resveratrol-science. Every main session will be opened by international scientists will highlight the following strategic subjects:

Resveratrol, Metabolism and Obesity
Resveratrol and Cardiovascular diseases
Production of Resveratrol and Derivatives
Resveratrol and eyes
Resveratrol and Cancers
Resveratrol and Inflammation – Immunity
Resveratrol and Degenerescence - Aging

During the conference, there will also be organized poster sessions again promoting exchanges of knowledge between participants. Prices of the best communications will be awarded. Young scientists and PhD students are welcome to participate in the meeting and share their research in the resveratrol field (short oral or poster presentations).

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