
Assessment of Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation for Human Health Risk

Edited by
August 2021
238 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1225-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1224-2 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Assessment of Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation for Human Health Risk that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

Ten years have passed since the nuclear accident occurred in Fukushima, Japan, following the Great East Japan earthquake. Thereafter, many people around the world have been concerned about the risks posed by radiation. They still believe that even a small amount of radiation exposure will affect human health. In reality, however, there are many natural radionuclides in the environment, which emit a variety of types of radiation. Although it is well known that there is a positively linear relationship between acute radiation exposure and cancer risk in atomic bomb survivors, the risk of chronic radiation exposure due to natural radionuclides cannot be well explained to people who have lived in high-background radiation areas for many generations. Therefore, more studies in this research field are required to obtain new scientific findings. In order to promote further scientific activities, it will be the best for us to understand the current status of this field by summarizing what we have apprehended so far.

This Special Issue will highlight measurement data, methodologies, radiation biology, and risk assessment related to radiation.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
air dose rate; difficult-to-return zone; evacuation order-lifted areas; effective dose rate; external exposure risk; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident; living space; radiocesium; surface soil; Tomioka town; tritium monitoring; fusion test facility; deuterium plasma experiment; monthly precipitation; chemical composition; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; strontium-90; cesium-137; seawater monitoring; contaminated water; dose assessment; Japan; bottled water; guidance level; WHO; natural radionuclides; artificial radionuclides; effective dose; ingestion; passive radon monitor; development; sensitivity; detection limit; air-exchange rate; total diet study; radioactive cesium; potassium-40; dietary intake; dose assessment; Fukushima accident; 222Rn progeny; 220Rn progeny; CR-39; equilibrium equivalent concentration; deposition velocity; thoron; thoron progeny; indoor environment; measurement technique; radioactivity; dose assessment; residential exposure; dose; gamma radiation; health risk; radon mapping; CR-39; 226Ra; 228Ra; 238U; well water; radiological hazards; REE and uranium mines; northern Vietnam; radon; hot spring; dose assessment; public health; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; Namie Town; natural radionuclides; artificial radionuclides; cesium-134; cesium-137; external exposure dose evaluation; radon concentration; groundwater; residence time; limestone aquifer; Okinawa Island; thoron; radon; indoor; radioactivity; environment; nationwide survey; SSNTD; radon potential map; geography information systems; geology; risk; exhalation rate; radon; thoron; long-term measurement; seasonal variation; Fukushima; free-roaming cat; radioactive cesium; reproductive organ; internal contamination

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