
Carboxylic Acid Production

Edited by
November 2017
174 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-552-6 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-553-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Carboxylic Acid Production that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
  • Paperback
auxotrophy; Candida glabrata; Escherichia coli; fed-batch; metabolic engineering; pyruvate; pyruvate dehydrogenase; butyric acid; hexanoic acid; caproic acid; volatile fatty acids; short-chain carboxylates; extractive fermentation; oleyl alcohol; corn stover; biochemical; biofuel; fumaric acid; purification; spent sulfite liquor; biorefineries; malic acid; biomass; polymalic acid; plant hydrolysates; Aureobasidium; Aspergillus; Thermobifida; Rhizopus; short-chain organic acids; hardwood sulfite spent liquor; activated sludge; acidogenic fermentation; mixed microbial cultures; propionic acid; propionibacteria; fermentation; acetic acid; anaerobic fermentation; ion exchange resins; lactic acid; separations; volatile fatty acids; succinic acid; fermentation; platform chemicals; bio-based products; industrial solvents; biodegradable plastics; consolidated bioprocessing; fungi; solid-phase fermentation; bio-based chemicals; lignocellulose biomass; mixed cultures; Lactobacillus reuteri; agroindustrial coproducts; glycerol bioconversion; 3-hydroxypropionic acid; fumaric acid; Rhizopus; fungal morphology; soybean cake; enzymatic hydrolysis; Aspergillus oryzae; biorefinery; image analysis; biorefinery; natural carboxylic acid producers; fungi; bacteria; fermentation technology; downstream processing

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