
Land, Innovation, and Social Good

Edited by
October 2021
318 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1911-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1910-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Land, Innovation, and Social Good that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

The administration of land tenure, value, and use has changed significantly over recent decades. Change has been driven by efforts to better balance rural and urban land use, improve recognition of previously informal land rights in certain geographical regions, and to acknowledge the social and cultural values relating to land. These changes have been underpinned by the new wave of technological innovations that have expanded the ways and means of performing land administration. Running parallel to these seemingly positive developments are the land-related societal problems including land tenure insecurity, food shortages, slum formation, and environmental degradation. This edited volume brings together articles spanning innovative approaches to securing land tenure, land valuation, and the planning of land use, with the aim of deepening the understanding of the nexus between societal challenges and land, and further enriching the knowledge on how current technological advances can be used to meet the societal challenges in the area of land administration.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
land consolidation; food productivity; land tenure; land administration; land reallocation; land valuation; spatial planning practices; territorial governance; Europe; comprehensive evidence; values-led planning; land registration; innovation; customary institutions; statutory institutions; Ghana; infrastructure installation planning; procedural modeling; development impact fees; Jeju; quality; usability; boundary data collection; legal data collection; first titling; land administration; land property security; land registration; adjustment experience; advanced agricultural factor inputs; agricultural machinery; China; cadastral data; spatial data infrastructure; websites publishing cadastral data; INSPIRE network services; evaluation; customary; land; tenure; women; mapping; Sub-Saharan Africa; farm income; landscape ecology; multifunctional agriculture; olive groves; social demands; socio-ecosystems; sustainability; gender; land tenure security; suburban competition; innovative spatial governance; food security; land administration; blockchain technology; land tenure; land valuation; land use planning; land development; Ghana; farmland fragmentation; farmland consolidation; food security; food sovereignty; agro-ecology; integrative review; blockchain; smart contracts; land administration; land registration; cadastre; technology readiness levels; land conveyance; mortgage discharge; land governance; Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration; sub-Saharan Africa; legal history of land; distributed ledger technology; citizen participation; n/a

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