
Plant Adaptation to Global Climate Change

Edited by
June 2021
250 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1528-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1527-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Adaptation to Global Climate Change that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Plant Adaptation to Global Climate Change discusses the issues of the impact of climate change factors (abiotic and biotic) on vegetation. This book also deals with simulation modeling approaches to understanding the long-term effects of different environmental factors on vegetation. This book is a valuable resource for the environmental science research community, including those interested in assessing climate change impacts on vegetation and researchers working on simulation modeling.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
climate change impacts; sugarcane; yield; harvested area; production; Thai agriculture; rice; heat stress; whole genome DNA microarray; yield loss; MapMan analysis; HRDE; anthesis and maturity date; crop yield; SimCLIM; DSSAT model; planting date; basal area increment; air temperature; precipitation; Taylor’s power law; tree ring analysis; climate change; farm work; heat stress; WBGT; mitigation; East Africa; leaf temperature; infrared thermography; thermal imagery; tropical rain forest; isoprenoid exchanges; ground; litter emissions; soil; Pinus pinea; distance gradient; Mediterranean turf; agro-ecosystems; biodiversity; climate change; weed communities; Ethiopia highlands; seasonal climate; crop impacts; bananas; Black Sigatoka Leaf Disease; climate; global spread & impact; habitat suitability; species distribution; climate change; conservation; P. africana; climate change; actual evapotranspiration; modified Penman–Monteith; sap flow; scaling methods; allometric correlations; sapwood depth; sapwood area; leaf area index; species distribution model; climate change; scenarios; GIS; ecological niche; grapevine; n/a

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