

Edited by
August 2014
276 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-001-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-008-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Optomechatronics that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2014 MDPI; under CC BY license
CO2 laser machining; optical fiber sensor; refractive index sensing; star tracker; error analysis; calibration; parameter estimation; optical sensing; passive remote sensing; self-referencing; virtual delay line; fiber Bragg grating; fiber loop; temperature; displacement; optical; artificial skin; electronic skin; tactile sensor; pressure sensor; pressure distribution; soft; flexible; optical fiber bundle; real operating conditions measurement; tip clearance; tip timing; turbine; optical fiber sensor; photonic crystal fiber; strain sensor; interferometry; optical-fiber probe; solids concentration; calibration method; gas-solid two-phase flows; surface plasmon resonance; optical fiber sensor; bending sensor; special fiber; temperature-insensitivity; erbium-doped fiber; wavelength-swept laser; fiber Bragg grating; sensor interrogation; strain measurement; semiconductor optical amplifier; laser processing; long-period fiber gratings; finite element modeling; fiber-based sensors; refractive-index modulation; thermo-mechanical processes; mode coupling; optical fiber devices; refractive index sensor; microstructured fibers; birefringent fibers; fiber characterization; spectral interferometry; birefringence dispersion; fiber-optic sensors; polarimetric sensitivity; optical fibre sensor; high-temperature; Regenerated Fibre Bragg Grating; interrogation; modal interferometer; fluorescence; hyperspectral imaging; linear variable filter; CMOS 2D sensor array; spacecraft angular velocity estimation; star field images; optical flow; performance analysis; hardware-in-the-loop simulation; optical films; TFI; thin film interferometry; two-layer model; TFR; thin film reflectance measurement; polymer electronics; n/a

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