
Feature Papers for Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Processes

Edited by
January 2019
372 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-525-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-526-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Feature Papers for the Fifth Year Anniversary of the Founding of Processes that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

“Processes” is a commonly used term to describe engineered systems such as oil refineries, polymer production plants, and pharmaceutical manufacturing processes that serve a commercial and societal purpose. However, the term can also capture the underlying processes that drive the behavior of complex natural systems such as communities of different organisms in the environment and networked collections of neurons in the human brain. This book provides a representative overview of current challenges and recent advances in the broadly-defined “processes” field. Contributions from leading researchers in the field are conveniently ordered according to five applications domains:  chemical systems, biological systems, materials processes, computational methods, and other related topics. The 19 contributions demonstrate the broad range of application domains within the process field, including fluid flow systems, fuel gases, chemical production, polymer manufacturing, food processing, protein synthesis and separation, pharmaceutical production, and water systems. This collection shows that “processes” remain a vibrant area of research, and continued advances in the field can be expected to have a positive impact on our economy, environment, and quality of life.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
reaction database; pharmaceutical process engineering; organic solvents; “green” metrics analysis; energy; water; military; control; n-butyl acrylate; thermal self-initiation; free-radical polymerization; reaction order; copolymerization kinetics; copolymer composition; design of experiments; error-in-variables-model (EVM); parameter estimation; polymer reaction engineering; reactivity ratios; non-Newtonian fluid; multivariable control system; viscosity curve; process integration; fuel gas network synthesis; block superstructure; optimization; MINLP; optimal experimental design; global parameter sensitivities; optimal design measures; robustification; point estimate method; rotor-stator mixer; high shear mixer; inline; batch; continuous; emulsification; mixing; packed-bed reactor; packed column; cuboid packed-bed; chemical reactor; residence time distribution; heat transfer; data management; continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing; ISA-88; recipe; OSI Process Information (PI); maximum entropy production; mass action kinetics; statistical thermodynamics; metabolism; desalination; multi-effect distillation; membrane distillation; process integration; optimization; scheduling; materials; processing; polymers; database; classification; informatics; ammonia synthesis; dynamic modeling; design optimization; liver regeneration; liver failure; liver resection; virtual patient; dynamic modeling; cell death; lipids; prostaglandin metabolism; omics data; cybernetic modeling; optimization; metabolic objective functions; dynamic constraint-based modeling; cell-free protein synthesis; systems biology; chromatography; chromatography box; cuboid packed-bed; bioseparation; protein; separation efficiency; N-linked glycosylation; perfusion cell culture; CHO cells; constraint-based modeling; monoclonal antibody; n/a