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10–14 July 2017, Corfu, Greece
SigmaPhi2017 - International Conference on Statistical Physics

The Conference is organized in the following three Areas to cover all the Topics of Statistical Physics:

Area A: Foundations and Theoretical aspects of classical, quantum and relativistic statistical physics and thermodynamics. Mathematical aspects and methods, formalism, rigorous results, exact solutions, connections with the methods of high energy physics, string theory, mathematical statistics and information theory, information geometry, classical, quantum and relativistic transport theory, Boltzmann and Fokker-Planck kinetics, nonlinear kinetics, dynamical systems, relaxation phenomena, random systems, pattern formation, fractal systems, solitons, chaotic systems, strongly correlated electrons, soft quantum matter, mesoscopic quantum phenomena, fractional quantum Hall effect, low dimensional quantum field theory, quantum phase transitions, quantum information and entanglement, power laws, etc.

Area B: Applications to Physical Systems: quantum systems, soft condensed matter, liquid crystals, plasmas, fluids, surfaces and interfaces, disordered and glassy systems, percolation, spin glasses, structural glasses, jamming, critical phenomena and phase transitions,fluids and interfacial phenomena, molecular and ionic fluids, metastable liquids, hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence, growth processes, wetting, surface effects, films, crystals, confined systems, surfaces and interfaces, chemical reactions, cold atoms, etc.

Area C: Applications to non-Physical Systems: Interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics, networks and graphs, applied networks, biophysics, genomics, environments, climate and earth models, seismology, linguistics, econophysics, social systems, traffic flow, algorithmic problems, complex systems, etc.


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