
Climate Change and Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems

Edited by
December 2021
202 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2666-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2667-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Climate Change and Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Both climate change and air pollution have large negative impacts on physiological processes and functions at the individual tree level and on whole forest ecosystems. The objective of climate change and air quality monitoring is to make decisions, based on scientific knowledge, regarding how to best manage and improve the current state of the environment. Our ability to take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impact on forest ecosystems and conserve forest biodiversity depends upon our knowledge of the latest scientific results on the status of forest ecosystems. Unfortunately, there are a lot of gaps in our knowledge of the detection and monitoring of their effects on forest ecosystems.

This book presents relevant results from scientific research in the fields of climate change, air pollution, forest conservation, protection and monitoring that can contribute to a better science–policy interaction and to the elaboration of specific strategies, in accordance with the areas of forest sciences from IUFRO RG 8.04.00 - Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
silver fir; radial growth; wood characteristics; drought response; climate change; silver fir; current annual increment; percentage volume increment; basal area; tree diameter; tree form-height; air pollution; increment cores; Norway spruce; radial growth series; silver fir; gas exchange; ecosystem restoration; mountain forests; photosynthesis; air pollution; diagnostic assessment; forest ecosystem; reference information; restoration plan; biodiversity; forests; valuing ecosystem services; climate change; policy making; SWAT; hydrological model; sensitivity analysis; calibration; validation; small forested watershed; temperate forests; climate change effects; Southern Carpathian forest management; forest growth; forest biomass; virgin forests; ecosystem services; natural capital; socio-economic system; ecological indicators; terrestrial laser scanning; aerial laser scanning; LANDIS-II; PnET; climate change; Southern Carpathians; forest biomass; production; species composition; species abundance; Romanian temperate forests; n/a