
Advances in Flavivirus Research

Edited by
October 2017
198 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-486-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-487-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Flavivirus Research that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2018 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Langat virus genome; tick-borne flavivirus; persistent infection; Ixodes scapularis; ISE6 cells; deep-sequencing; West Nile virus; RNA; translation; protein synthesis; duck Tembusu virus; E protein epitopes; type specific and cross-reactive epitopes; E protein 3D structure; diagnosis; Zika virus; chloroquine; antiviral; microcephaly; neural stem cell; West Nile virus; equine immunoglobulin; F(ab′)2 fragments; mice; Zika virus; microcephaly; non-structural protein; protease; inhibitors; Mx1; Mx2; interferon-α (IFNα); Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV); antivirus; Brefeldin A (BFA); flavivirus; nucleus; transport; karyopherins; nuclear pore complex; nuclear localisation sequence; attenuation mechanism; Japanese encephalitis virus; SA14-14-2; neuroinvasiveness; neurovirulence; HPgV-1; HIV-1; HCV; co-infection; injecting drug users; heterosexuals; genotypic diversity; clinical effect; dengue virus; non-structural proteins; physiopathology; immunity; metabolism; yellow fever virus; YFV; flavivirus; 17D; 17DD; 17D-204; T cell; vaccine; animal models; dengue; West Nile; Zika; live attenuated vaccine; chimerivax; vaccine development; flavivirus; yellow fever; West Nile; Japanese encephalitis; tick-borne encephalitis; Zika; dengue; Zika virus; animal models; immunology; vaccines; congenital Zika syndrome

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