Keywordsambiguous cylinder; mirror symmetry; visual illusion; visual perception; fractal patterns; scale-invariance; fractal dimension; spectral scaling; midpoint displacement; Fourier noise; Fourier decomposition; image analysis; saliency; active vision; the conformal camera; the Riemann sphere; Möbius geometry; complex projective geometry; projective Fourier transform; retinotopy; binocular vision; horopter; image statistics; skewness; kurtosis; orthogonal functions; steerable filters; visual symmetry; affine projection; fractals; visual sensation; aesthetics; preference; symmetry perception; continuous symmetry; convolutional neural networks; aesthetics; mirror-reversal; left-right reversal; reading; reversal errors; mirrored text ; visual symmetry; acoustic symmetry; mirror form detection; inversion; retrograde; retrograde inversion; dynamic stimuli; symmetry prior; symmetry detection; stereo; two-view geometry; 3D recovery; symmetry; grouping; redundancy; complexity; rotary motion in depth