
Remote Sensing in Applied Geophysics

Edited by
December 2020
318 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-733-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-734-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Remote Sensing in Applied Geophysics that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
The Special Issue is focused on recent and upcoming advances in the combined application of remote sensing and applied geophysics. Applied geophysics analyzes the distribution of physical properties in the subsurface for a wide range of geological, engineering, and environmental applications at different scales. Seismic, electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic methods are among the most applied and well-established geophysical techniques. These methods share the advantages of being non-invasive and exploring wide areas of investigation with respect to conventional methods (e.g., drilling). Geophysical surveys are usually carried out deploying or moving the appropriate instrumentation directly on the ground surface. However, recent technological advances have resulting in the development of innovative acquisition systems becoming more typical of the remote sensing community (e.g., airborne surveys). While applied geophysics mainly focuses on the subsurface, typical remote sensing techniques have the ability to accurately image the Earth’s surface with high-resolution investigations carried out by means of terrestrial, airborne, or satellite-based platforms. The integration of surface and subsurface information is often crucial for several purposes, including the processing of geophysical data, the characterization and time-lapse monitoring of surface and near-surface targets, and the reconstruction of highly detailed and comprehensive 3D models of the investigated areas. Recent contributions showing the added value of surface reconstruction and/or monitoring in the processing, interpretation, and cross-comparison of geophysical techniques for archaeological, environmental, and engineering studies are collected in this book. Pioneering geophysical acquisitions by means of innovative remote systems are also presented.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Alpine glaciers; Belvedere Glacier; ice thickness estimation; ice bottom morphology and properties; ground-penetrating radar (GPR); single-station passive seismic measurements; horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR); archaeological prospection; automated resistivity profiling ARP; electrical resistivity survey; multi-channel ground penetrating radar; geophysical methods integration; Chang’E-4; lunar penetrating radar (LPR); 3D velocity spectrum; properties analysis; remote sensing and GIS; field geophysics; groundwater potentiality; West Qena; Egypt; mine collapse; anthropogenic hazard; seismology; GNSS; InSAR; post-seismic deformation mechanism; InSAR time series algorithm; Kermanshah earthquake; viscoelastic relaxation; archaeological prospection; near-surface geophysics; LiDAR; magnetic gradiometry; surface magnetic susceptibility; electromagnetic induction; Middle Woodland period; Hopewell archaeology; electromagnetic induction; depth inversion; sedimentary processes; Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV); marine geophysics; shallow water environments; repeated 4D surveys; NAIADI Project (New Autonomous/automatIc systems for the study AnD monitoring of aquatic envIronments); electrical resistivity tomography (ERT); frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM); archaeology; terramare; bronze age; elastic full waveform inversion; acoustic-elastic coupled; ocean bottom seismic; multicomponent; multiparameter; ground penetrating radar (GPR); moisture content; velocity analysis; optimal gather; passive seismic interferometry; surface wave; inversion; shear-wave velocity; ambient noise; dispersion curve; aerial archaeology; landscape archaeology; electrical resistivity tomography (ERT); frequency-domain electromagnetic methods (FDEM); paleochannel; Snow Eagle 601; aerogeophysics; Princess Elizabeth Land; ice-penetrating radar; Antarctic ice sheet; n/a

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