
Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies

From Monitoring to Applied Research

Edited by
October 2020
570 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-386-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-387-2 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies: From Monitoring to Applied Research that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
This book is a collection of all papers published in the Special Issue “Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies: From Monitoring to Applied Research”. The main focus is to provide the state-of-the-art and recent research updates on sustainable management strategies for protecting vulnerable coastal areas. Based on 28 contributions from authors representing 17 different countries (Australia, China, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA), an ensemble of interdisciplinary articles has been collected, emphasizing the importance of tackling technical and scientific problems at different scales and from different point of views.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
brackish lagoon types; benthic macrophytes; salinity; succession; univariate variables; Greece; spectral analysis; low frequency; wave grouping; eigen analysis; eigenmode; random waves; combination waves; wave extreme events; Mediterranean Sea; North Atlantic Spanish coasts; Gulf of Mexico; wave modeling; small scale storm variations; tsunami-like solitary waves; horizontal cylinders; hydrodynamic loads; experimental tests; Morison and transverse equations; hydrodynamic coefficients; climate change; multiobjective optimization; coastal region; pumping plant; flooding; historical cartography; shore protection structures history; groins; gently sloping revetment; earthquake; tsunami; strategic retreat; salinity intrusion; MIKE modelling; climate change; sea level rise; Mekong Delta; drag coefficients; oscillatory flows; force sensors; synchronization; automatic alignment; coastal plan; erosion, coastal flooding; sediment budget; mitigation strategies guidelines; littoral cell; wave hindcasting; Abu Dhabi; shallow waters; Shore Protection Manual; wave climate; coastal defense; risk maps; non-engineering measure; coastal vulnerability; eco-defense; coastal defense; coastal morphodynamics; mangroves; flood attenuation; natural defense; beach nourishment; beach drainage system; groundwater; submerged breakwater; cross-shore sediment transport; climate change; coastal vulnerability index; climate change; sea level rise; storm surges; waves action; Mediterranean coasts; extreme events; threshold values; probability; hydrometeorological conditions; Baltic coast; climate changes; sea-level rise; TELEMAC; natural beach; flooded area; seaside impacts; coastal vulnerability; Mar Menor; long-term GIS analysis; marine infrastructures impact; coastal urbanization impact; coastal erosion; shore protection; coastal armouring; 3S tourism; beach economy; aeolian processes; hydrometeorological conditions; onshore and offshore winds; Southern Baltic coast; beach resilience; beach resistance; temporary groin; sea breezes; resilience index; GSb model; Yucatan peninsula; BERM-N; coastal erosion; sea level rise; sand nourishments; Bayesian belief network; JarKus data; coastal state indicators; dune foot; momentary coastline; Holland coast; vegetation stiffness; bending elastic modulus; velocity distribution; turbulence intensity; wave dissipation; marine inundation; FORM; reliability analysis; Veneto coast; coastal vulnerability; natural hazards; disasters; coastal Andhra Pradesh; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; energy flux; storm classification; stormy year; coastal erosion; Andalusia coast; beach morphodynamics; UAV flights; beach surveys; Reef Balls™; sand-filled geosystems; wave numerical model; directional wave spectra drifter (DWSD); ADCP; GPS wave buoy; triple collocation; Bagnoli-Coroglio Bay; arsenic; hydrocarbons; heavy metals contamination; marine pollution; multivariate analysis; Bagnoli; Naples; coastal vulnerability; coastal defense; coastal monitoring; wave climate; coastal morphodynamic; coastal management; coastal ecosystem

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