
Advances in Biological Tissue Biomechanics

Edited by
September 2020
242 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-150-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-151-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Biological Tissue Biomechanics that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Advanced experimental and computational biomechanics have become essential components to better understand the physiological and pathological conditions of biological tissues in the human body. Recent advances in medical imaging modalities, image segmentation, tissue characterization experiments, and predictive computer simulations have made major contributions to transforming current therapeutic paradigms, towards the facilitation of patient-specific diagnostics and individualized surgery planning. This Special Issue of Bioengineering on Advances in Biological Tissue Biomechanics, therefore, focuses on research dealing with cutting-edge experimental and computational methodologies for biomechanical investigations of tissues in the human body system across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
computational fluid dynamics; bileaflet mechanical heart valve; adverse hemodynamics; transvalvular pressure gradients; turbulent shear stresses; blood damage; platelet activation; aortic valve; calcification; elastin degradation; leaflet; curvature; biomarker; early detection; porcine brain; mechanical behavior; hydration effects; Split-Hopkinson pressure bar; micromechanics; finite element analysis; collagen crimp; elastin; microstructures; force-controlled mechanical testing; the tricuspid valve; functional tricuspid regurgitation; cardiovascular imaging; mechanical characterization; in-vitro experiments; constitutive modeling; geometrical modeling; finite element modeling; isogeometric analysis (IGA); biaxial mechanical characterization; fluid-structure interactions; material anisotropy; sub-valvular components; soft tissue; liver; high-rate compression; polymeric split-Hopkinson pressure bar; finite element modeling; pentagalloyl glucose; aneurysm; enzyme; biomechanics; aorta; biaxial mechanical testing; cardiac valves; osmotic swelling; biomechanics; parameter estimation; nonlinear preconditioning; gradient-based minimization; cirrus; myocardium; stiffness; viscoelastic property; anisotropy; fibrosis; the mitral valve; the tricuspid valve; collagen fiber architecture; glycosaminoglycan; uniaxial mechanical testing; in-vitro flow loops; polarized spatial frequency domain imaging; tricuspid regurgitation; biaxial mechanical testing; polarized spatial frequency domain imaging; spatial alignment; collagen fiber reorientation; material anisotropy; in vivo stress/strain quantification; constitutive models; soft tissues; growth and remodeling (G & R); multiscale biomechanics; patient-specific modeling; biomechanics