Water–Energy–Food Security Nexus in Large Asian River Basins
Edited by
March 2017
256 pages
- ISBN978-3-03842-344-7 (Paperback)
- ISBN978-3-03842-345-4 (PDF)
This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Large Asian River Basins that was published in
Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
- Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2017 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
transboundary water cooperation; equity; environment; water governance; issue linkage; institutions; Central Asia; Central Asia; nexus; WaterGAP; resilience; water security; supply water security; irrigation bureaucracy; polycentric water management; transboundary; Central Asia; benefit-sharing; water-energy-agriculture nexus; water allocation; hydro-economic modeling; Rogun; Amu Darya; international water law; water-energy-food nexus; transboundary cooperation; principle of equitable and reasonable utilisation; right to water; right to food; water uses; Mekong River; transboundary water-energy-food nexus; climate change; science–policy–stakeholder interaction; cross-sectoral collaboration; integrated planning; Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM); transboundary rivers; water-energy-food nexus (WEF); integrated tools; integrated indices; benefit-cost analysis (BCA); optimization management models; integrated maps; ontology engineering; physical models; interdisciplinary; transdisciplinary; China; state-owned enterprise; hydropower; water-energy-food nexus; greater mekong subregion; political economy; transboundary; nexus; transboundary; methodology; participatory; water; energy; food; land; ecosystems; transboundary water-energy-food nexus; transboundary rivers; water resources management; water security; energy security; food security; Central Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Mekong; energy; food; water; rivers; nexus; water-energy-food nexus; transboundary water-energy-food nexus; river basin; transboundary river; water security; energy security; food security; Central Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Mekong