Keywordsarchaeology; agent-based modeling; Mongolia; risk-management; cooperation; agent-based models; participatory modelling; policy making; soil and water conservation; interested amateurs; landscape epidemiology; agent-based models; simulation; modeling; spatial analysis; hot spot analysis; Kriging; land abandonment; re-forestation; mountain regions; agent-based modeling; sector supply model; sensitivity analysis; landscape; land-use; modeling; Spain; erosion; surface process; archaeology; social-ecological system; Mediterranean; agricultural land-use adaptation; farm credit, climate change; Vea-LUDAS model; agent-based; behaviour; agricultural; farmer; survey; econometrics; social networks; farm conversion; organic agriculture; agent-based modeling; sensitivity analysis; social networks; Philippines; agent-based model; land use change; agricultural land owners and operators survey; commodity and biofuel crop market scenarios; Languedoc; Gaul; agent-based model; trade; economics; Lattes; Lattara; n/a