
Virus Bioinformatics

Edited by
February 2020
330 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-882-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-883-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Virus Bioinformatics that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
Virus bioinformatics is evolving and succeeding as an area of research in its own right, representing the interface of virology and computer science. Bioinformatic approaches to investigate viral infections and outbreaks have become central to virology research, and have been successfully used to detect, control, and treat infections of humans and animals. As part of the Third Annual Meeting of the European Virus Bioinformatics Center (EVBC), we have published this Special Issue on Virus Bioinformatics.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
bioinformatics; virus; comparative genomics; software; Base-By-Base; BBB; poxvirus; ASFV; MSA; foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV); bovine soft palate; nasopharynx; transcriptomics; proteomics; bioinformatics; virus-host interaction; innate immune system; interferon-stimulated genes (ISG); cellular immunity; codon frequency distribution; HPV58; minor capsid protein; TLR agonist; prophylaxis; virus; infection; fluorescent reporter protein; image quantification; Hepatitis C virus; Yellow Fever Virus; polyomavirus; Coxsackievirus B4; bivalve; virome; RNA-seq; RNA viruses; sncRNA; ADAR; RNAi; Marek’s disease virus (MDV); RNA-seq; transcriptome; splicing; polycistronic viral transcripts; primary B cells; RB1B; CVI988/Rispens; ICP0; DNA replication; ori; mitochondria; Rickettsia; gram-positive bacteria; APMV; Mimivirus; giant virus; eukaryogenesis; flavivirus; non-coding RNA; secondary structure; endogenous viral elements; bioinformatics; horizontal gene transfer; virus-to-host gene transfer; HMM; tobacco mosaic virus; Drosophila; capsid protein; deep sequencing; virus genomics; hepatitis C virus; variant calling; sequence interpretation; drug resistance; bioinformatics; alignment; assembly; taxonomic classification; time series; data transformation; DWT; DFT; PAA; data compression; compressive genomics; RNAseq; honey bees; deformed wing virus; quasispecies; apiary pests; recombination; mRNA structure; structure database; secondary structure; viral mRNA; subVOG; structurally related; RNA structure; structurally homogenous; structurally related; mRNA families; Amebae viruses; viral evolution; protein domains; mimivirus; dsdna viruses; translation machinery; pandoravirus; NCLDV; virology; virus bioinformatics; software; systems virology; metagenomics; virome; viral taxonomy; virus classification; genome evolution; bacteriophage; virosphere; chemical organization theory; influenza A; virus dynamics modeling; complex networks analysis; viral metagenome; groundwater; aquifer; AquaDiva; sequencing library preparation; virus proteomics; mass spectrometry; virus diagnostics; data analysis; targeted proteomics; peptide selection; parallel reaction monitoring

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