Keywordsrespect for persons; genomics; genetics; informed consent; Charcot-Marie-Tooth; peripheral neuropathy; genomic disorders; gene discoveries; next generation sequencing; alpha satellite; higher order repeat; CENP; heterochromatin; human artificial chromosome; dicentric; chromosome truncation; transcription; tet operon; GWAS; hemoglobin; hematocrit; red blood cell; erythrocyte; white blood cell; leukocyte; platelet; human genetics; normal breast; breast cancer; genomic signature; prevention; pregnancy; splicing mechanisms; methylation; chromatin remodeling; Lnc-RNA; beta-catenin; genome-wide association study (GWAS); multifactorial disease; disease susceptibility gene; drug response gene; HLA genes; mental disease; diagnosis; classification systems; GWAS; monozygotic twins; deep phenotyping; Manhattan plot; genotype; SNP; GRAS data collection; genetic alterations; cancer etiology; cancer genomes; functional genomics; human genome sequence; single base substitutions; DNA repair; translesion synthesis; oxidative damage; cytosine deamination; inherited retinal dystrophies; homozygosity mapping; genetic testing; association; GWAS; next-generation sequencing; significance; bias; complex traits; next generation sequencing; cardiovascular disease; genetic profiling; whole genome sequencing; transcriptome; RNA splicing; post-genome; colorectal cancer, genetics, susceptibility; Specific Language Impairment (SLI); dyslexia; genetics; non-invasive prenatal diagnosis; epigenetic modifications; free fetal DNA; maternal circulation; chromosomal aneuploidies; alcohol problems; adolescence; gene-by-environment; ALSPAC; FinnTwin12; DNA methylation; cytosine; epigenetics; Illumina 450k; twin study; buccal epithelium; genome-wide methylation; children; small cell prostate cancer (SCPC); exome sequencing; Illumina SNP array; Ingenuity; NGS (next generation sequencing); Drosophila; genetics; genomics; retroviral integration; alpha-retroviral vectors; gene therapy; human hematopoietic cells; pharmacogenetics; personalized medicine; pre-treatment genetic testing; human genome project; cancer genomics; tumor classification; targeted therapies; sequencing; GWAS; prediction; power of genetic association; imprinted genes; epigenetics; DNA methylation; TP53; aryl hydrocarbon receptor; systems biology; environmental health; toxic metals; epigenomics; environment; human genome project; age-related macular degeneration; Alzheimer’s disease; multiple sclerosis; genetics; genomics; genome-wide association study; metabolomics; colorectal cancer; functional genomics; mutation parameter; coalescent; allelic genealogy; 1000 Genomes Project; genome sequencing; clinical practice; incidental findings; consent; disclosure; ataxia; genetics; pathways; testing; complex trait; polygenic; gene network; biological pathway; synapse; GWAS; PGC; genodermatoses; exome; ichthyosis; atopic eczema; psoriasis; Epigenetics; imprinting; gene expression; gene regulation; CTCF; long non-coding RNA; histone modifications; DNA methylation; DNAAF1; genetics; leptin-melanocortin; LRP2; megalin; monogenic; obesity; pituitary; UCP2; whole-exome sequencing; data sharing; genomics; privacy; genetic discrimination; open access database; personalized medicine; clinical genomics; regulation; quality assurance; Human Genome Project; fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva; monogenic diseases; disease gene discovery; NGS; cancer; diabetes; obesity; smoking; stress; autism; schizophrenia; bipolar disorder; depression; environmental factors; infectious diseases; ENU; immunity; mouse genetic models; next generation sequencing; rare disease; exome; panel testing; mutation; somatic; germline; mosaicism; complex disease; retrotransposition; neurodegeneration; aging; yeast phenomics; yeast models of human disease; cell proliferation phenotypes or cell proliferation parameters (CPPs); gene interaction networks; quantitative high throughput cell array phenotyping (Q-HTCP); genetic buffering; cystic fibrosis (CF); human-like (HL) yeast media; ammonium toxicity; recursive expectation-maximization clustering (REMc)