

Edited by
May 2019
190 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-228-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-229-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Theodicy that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
The problem of evil has vexed for centuries:  is pain and suffering in the world consistent with the existence of God?  Theodicy attempts to demonstrate or explain why the answer could be ‘yes’.  Some think that the problem of evil was solved a long time ago, but theodicy in the 21st-century has thus far produced novel approaches, uncovered new dilemmas, juxtaposed itself with other philosophical and religious fields, listened to new voices, and has even been explored through uncommon methodologies. This is a new era of, and for, theodicy.  Though never removed from the logical problem of evil, theodicy at least in the near future will generate unique arguments related to the phenomenology of lived suffering, modal claims across worlds, the possibility of ameliorative analysis, narrative theodicy, and standpoint difficulties in generating theodical discourse. This special issue is dedicated to extending the platform for clear and interesting perspectives on new dimensions of theodicy, and in reclaiming perspectives on the problem of evil that have been largely ignored in philosophy of religion.

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