Open Access Book

Sustainable Business, Management, and Economics

Edited by
August 2017
154 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-335-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-334-8 (PDF)

This book is part of the book series Frontiers in Sustainability.

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Business & Economics

In the globalised world of the 21st century, expectations associated with corporate responsibility and its derivatives, corporate responsiveness, corporate performance, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, and corporate sustainability pose some of the major challenges but also offer some of the greatest opportunities for corporations. From different perspectives, these concepts tend to include respecting the rights and interests of stakeholders, acting ethically, adopting and enforcing codes of conduct, and contributing to sustainable development, among other aspects. Each take on corporate responsibility is characterised by differing contents and goals, thus suggesting a different route toward, and variant of, sustainability. However, most can be classified into three categories: traditional corporate responsibility, regulations- and standards-based responsibilities, and responsibilities as business opportunities.

  • Hardback
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© 2017 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
start-ups; business model; sustainable business model; early stage of development; changes of business model; triple bottom line; population ageing; labor supply and demand; labor market imbalance; the macroeconomy; CGE model; sustainability metric; environmental sustainability; economic sustainability; metal production industry; sustainability index; sustainability indicator; environmental la; urban energy transition; actors; functions; social spheres; competition; arena

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