

Edited by
October 2018
474 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-336-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-337-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Chloroplast that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Chloroplasts are at the front line of many advancements in molecular biology, ranging from evolutionary biology to the mechanism of energy transduction, also including stress responses and programmed leaf death. In addition to the relevance of basic knowledge, advances are unveiling promising insights to improve plant productivity, disease resistance, and environmental control. The production of secondary metabolites and proteins by transformed chloroplasts adds further excitement to applied investigations on chloroplasts.

The comparison of the sequences of the chloroplast DNA of different plants provides valuable information on gene content, reordering in the circular chloroplast DNA, and mutational genetic-derive, relevant to the evolution of the chloroplast. Increasing facilities for intense genome sequencing have prompted many laboratories to focus on the chloroplast DNA. Reflecting these efforts, more than half of the articles in this book deal with functional or evolutionary investigations based on sequence analyses of chloroplast DNA. Additional topics treated in the issue include post-transcriptional control, the processing of nuclear encoded preproteins of chloroplasts, the response of photosynthetic machinery to water deficit, turn-over of chloroplast proteins, mechanism of chloroplast division, and chloroplast movements.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
Arabidopsis; blue light; Marchantia; organelle movement; phototropin; Aristolochia debilis; Aristolochia contorta; chloroplast genome; molecular structure; phylogenetic analyses; chloroplast; etioplast; membrane; organelle; ribosome; RNA processing; translation; Zea mays; Forsythia suspensa; sequencing; chloroplast genome; comparative genomics; phylogenetic analysis; Dendrobium; plastome assembly; selection; mutational biases; GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC); GCeq; green algae; rRNA repeated unit; phylogeny; genome skimming; Balsaminaceae; chloroplast genome; Hydrocera triflora; Impatiens pinfanensis; phylogenetic analyses; chloroplast (cp) genome; Catha edulis; next generation sequencing; phylogeny; repeat sequence; chloroplast division; Z ring; membrane-tethering; heterologous expression; E. coli; AtFtsZ1; AtFtsZ2; ARC6; ARC3; TROL; protein import; chloroplasts; dual localization; ATP; inner envelope membrane; thylakoids; Arabis; chloroplast capture; Brassicaceae; chloroplast genome; Next Generation Sequencing; genome skimming; Meliaceae; DNA marker; SNP; indel; matK; rps19; Sanionia uncinata; chloroplast genome; Antarctic bryophyte; moss; plastome; adaptive variation; chloroplast genome; molecular evolution; Orchidaceae; phylogenetic relationship; chloroplast division; mitochondrial division; endosymbiotic organelle; FtsZ; dynamin-related protein; glycosyltransferase protein; autophagy; chlorophagy; chloroplasts; Rubisco-containing bodies; photooxidative damage; plants; senescence; sugar starvation; ubiquitin proteasome system; vacuole; heat stress; metabolic reprogramming; chloroplasts; chlorophyll breakdown; reactive oxygen species (ROS); antioxidant defense; protein turnover; Photosystem II (PSII) core subunit; PSII repair cycle; carbon assimilation; Ailanthus altissima; chloroplast genome; microsatellites; Simaroubaceae; Sapindales; Eucommia ulmoides; chloroplast genome; heterogeneous divergence; mutation hotspots; whole-genome comparison; cp genome; repeat analysis; sequence divergence; non-synonymous substitution; electron transport chain; phylogeny; plastid genome; phylogenetic relationship; Primula; repeat; sequence divergence; Cercis chuniana; Cercidoideae; Caesalpinioideae; chloroplast genome; legume; next-generation sequencing; Caragana; Caragana rosea var. rosea; plastome; comparative genomics; molecular markers; RNA-Seq; transcription factor; chlorophyll biosynthesis precursor; carotenoid composition; wheat; yellow-green leaf color mutant; Urophysa; Semiaquilegia adoxoides; cp genome; repeat analysis; SSRs; positive selection analysis; phylogeny; Gentiana section Cruciata; chloroplast genome; molecular markers; species authentication; Croomia; Stemona; chloroplast genome; comparative genomics; phylogeny; biogeography; Quercus; chloroplast genome; phylogenetic relationship; nitric oxide; 20% PEG-induced water deficiency; phosphoproteomic; Triticum aestivum L.; primary reaction of photosynthesis; n/a

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