
Lower Atmosphere Meteorology

Edited by
January 2022
226 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2960-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2961-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Lower Atmosphere Meteorology that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

The Atmosphere Special Issue “Lower Atmosphere Meteorology” deals with the meteorological processes that occur in the layer of the atmosphere close to the surface. The interaction between the biosphere and the atmosphere is made through the lower layer and can greatly influence living beings and materials. The analysis of the meteorological parameters provides a better understanding of processes within the lower atmosphere and involved in air pollution, climate, and weather. The mixed layer height, the wind speed, and the air parcel trajectory have a relevant interest due to their marked impact on population and energy production. The research also comprises aerosols, clouds, and precipitation, analysing their spatiotemporal variations. This issue addresses features of gases in the atmosphere and anthropogenic greenhouse emission estimates, which are also conditioned by the lower atmosphere meteorology.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
mixing layer; urban area; ceilometer; radiosonde; Chengdu; aerosol; sub-mode volume size distribution; sub-mode complex refractive index; remote sensing; Tibetan Plateau; surface wind; diurnal variation; low-level clouds; North Pacific; seasonal variation; interannual variation; “top-down” method; the Yangtze River Delta; CO2; CH4; annual growth rate; anthropogenic CH4 emissions; human settlement suitability; human settlement natural environment index; GIS; lower reaches of Yangtze River; Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response; air mass trajectory; density maps; plum rains; ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD); empirical orthogonal function (EOF); East Asian summer monsoon; El Niño-southern oscillation; pacific decadal oscillation; the Yangtze River Delta; multi-time scales; fraction vegetation cover; regional climate model; near surface temperature; clouds; precipitation; diurnal variation; atmospheric boundary layer; tropical cyclone; storm motion; asymmetry; hurricane; aircraft; dropsonde; mountain waves; wake; AROME model; turbulence indicators; Azores Island; Froude number; model objective verification; aircraft observations; MAX-DOAS; CHOCHO; NO2; meteorological conditions; haze days; n/a

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