
Modelling of Harbour and Coastal Structures

Edited by
November 2021
342 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2464-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2465-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Modelling of Harbour and Coastal Structures that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

As the most heavily populated areas in the world, coastal zones host the majority and some of the most important human settlements, infrastructures and economic activities. Harbour and coastal structures are essential to the above, facilitating the transport of people and goods through ports, and protecting low-lying areas against flooding and erosion. While these structures were previously based on relatively rigid concepts about service life, at present, the design—or the upgrading—of these structures should effectively proof them against future pressures, enhancing their resilience and long-term sustainability. This Special Issue brings together a versatile collection of articles on the modelling of harbour and coastal structures, covering a wide array of topics on the design of such structures through a study of their interactions with waves and coastal morphology, as well as their role in coastal protection and harbour design in present and future climates.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
beach morphology; beach nourishment performance; sustainable development; General Shoreline beach model; United Arab Emirates; Saadiyat Island; breakwater; extreme learning machine; stability assessment; machine learning; column-stabilized fish cage; horizontal wave force; least squares method; hydrodynamic coefficient; breakwater; vertical breakwater; reliability analysis; overall stability; sliding failure; overturning failure; bearing capacity analysis; breakwater’s foundation failure; rubble-mound; zero-freeboard; porous-media; immersed-boundary; level-set; Smagorinsky subgrid scale model; wave reflection; wave transmission; wave overtopping; wave setup; Nowshahr port; field measurements; numerical simulation; wave; current; sediment transport; rubble mound breakwaters; historical review; damage measurement; damage characterization; rubble mound breakwaters; historical review; damage; damage model; damage progression; input reduction; wave schematization; pick-up rate; MIKE21 CM FM; long-term morphological modelling; numerical model; OpenFOAM; sediment transport; scour; vertical breakwaters; mortar-grouted riprap revetment; full-scale hydraulic tests; design of revetments; Balearic Islands; Boumerdès; current speed; damage; harbor; tsunami; model uncertainty; reliability; pile settlement; piles in granular soil; base resistance; skin friction; t-z curves; climate change; coastal flooding; coastal structures; numerical modelling; Boussinesq equations; n/a

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