
Molecular Electronics

Edited by
August 2021
138 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1625-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1626-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Molecular Electronics that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences

This is a Special Issue on Molecular Electronics which provides an overview of the field and will be useful for both theoreticians and experimentalists. Topics include protein-based electronics, field-induced trans-to-cis isomerisation, phonon thermal conductance, spin-dependent transport, attenuation factors, HOMO-LUMO gap corrections and nanofabrication techniques.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
molecular electronics; self-assembly films; Langmuir-Blodgett films; electrografting; top-contact electrode; molecular junctions; attenuation factor; density functional theory; graphene; single molecule junctions; metal/molecule interface; energy level alignment; density functional theory; conductance; electron transport; DFT + Σ; molecular electronics; thermoelectricity; phonon; thermal conductance; OPE3; anchor groups; pyridyl; thiol; methyl sulphide; carbodithioate; spin polarization; magnetic chain with AAH modulation; light irradiation; molecular electronics; single-molecule junctions; STM break-junction; in-situ isomerisation; carotenoids; azurin; solid-state junction; biomolecular electronics; electronic transport; density functional theory; molecular dynamics; n/a

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