
Holography, 3D Imaging and 3D Display

Edited by
February 2021
364 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-595-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-596-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Holography, 3D Imaging and 3D Display that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
Modern holographic techniques have been successfully applied in many important areas, such as 3-D inspection, 3-D microscopy, metrology, and profilometry, augmented reality, and industrial informatics. This Special Issue covers selected pieces of cutting-edge research works, ranging from low-level acquisition, to high-level analysis, processing, and manipulation of holographic information. The Special Issue also serves as a comprehensive review of existing state-of-the-art techniques in 3-D imaging and 3-D display, as well as broad insights into the future development of these disciplines. The Special Issue contains 25 papers in the field of holography, 3-D imaging, and 3-D display. All the papers underwent substantial peer review under the guidelines of Applied Sciences.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
optical scanning holography; extended depth-of-field; automatic focus detection; entropy minimization; block partitioned entropy minimization; holographic printing; holographic stereogram; holographic element (hogel); round-trip imaging; scattering media; 3D imaging; transmission matrix; spatial light modulator; digital holography; phase modulation; Fourier spectra; fast characterization; coherent imaging; hologram; holography; phase-only; compression; deep learning; JPEG; convolutional neural network; shape from focus; neural network; weight passing; holography; computer-generated hologram; rainbow hologram; high resolution; fringe printer; wide viewing angle; three-dimensional imaging; digital holography; multiwavelength digital holography; color holography; phase-shifting interferometry; phase-shifting digital holography; absolute phase retrieval; phase-shift; fringe order; geometric constraints; holographic solar concentrator; holographic lens; volume phase holographic optical elements; near-eye display; leaky mode; lithium niobate; holographic video; augmented reality; 3D display; acousto-optic modulator; laser-induced structures; digital holography; computer holography; spatial light modulators; diffraction gratings; imaging systems; digital hologram; holographic display; tabletop display; hologram measurement; ophthalmoscope; lens design; medical optics and biotechnology; holographic printing; holographic stereogram; holographic element; holography; holographic display; digital holography; virtual reality; 3-D optical imaging processing; 3-D optical display; 3-D projection integral imaging; holographic display; three-dimensional dual-view display; holography; computer-generated hologram; holographic display; 3D display; shape from focus (SFF); jitter noise; focus curve; Kalman filter; imaging; 3D; high-resolution episcopic microscopy; episcopic; phenotyping; HREM; tomographic diffractive microscopy (TDM); diffracted field; holographic interferometry; inverse scattering; dual-view display; 3D display; integral imaging; lens-array holographic optical element; 3D imaging system; wave field synthesis; vergence–accommodation conflict; lens array; focus cue; light field display; holographic 3D display; computer generated holography; augmented reality; virtual reality; generalized phase-shifting interferometry; slightly tilted reference; numerical simulations; n/a