
Water Quality of Freshwater Ecosystems in a Temperate Climate

Edited by
October 2020
282 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-414-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-415-2 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Water Quality of Freshwater Ecosystems in a Temperate Climate that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
This Special Issue consists of fourteen original scientific articles concerning different problems associated with the water quality of freshwater ecosystems in a temperate climate. Most of the articles deal with the relationship between water quality and the structure of ecosystem biocenoses. The conclusion of these articles confirms the fact that the deterioration of water quality has a direct impact on the quantitative and qualitative structure of biocenoses. This is accompanied by a decline in biodiversity and the disappearance of rare plant and animal species. They also draw attention to the particular importance of internal physical and chemical differentiation within the aquatic ecosystem, both in horizontal and vertical dimensions. The problem of ensuring proper ecological conditions and good quality of water in freshwater aquatic ecosystems is also raised, and various methods for the restoration of water bodies are presented. This Special Issue contributes to a better understanding of the causes of water quality deterioration, the mechanisms responsible for the functioning of ecosystems, including the decrease of biodiversity and the possibilities of improving their condition. Thus, it can be helpful for regaining the good ecological status of water bodies required by the Water Framework Directive.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
biomanipulation; chlorophyll-a; hypolimnion aeration; nutrients; phosphorus inactivation; invertebrates; hydrological regime; diversity; water bodies; water quality; strontium isotopes; springs; meromictic lake; eutrophication; water quality; catchment; nutrient load; agriculture; European Water Framework Directive; shallow lake; stratified lake; functional groups of phytoplankton; innovative method of restoration; oxygenation near the bottom sediments; phytoplankton biomass; restoration treatment; small lake; sustainable restoration; rotifers; microcrustaceans; aquatic vegetation; small water bodies; human-induced impact; ecological assessment; macroinvertebrates; zooplankton; water quality; anthropogenic impact; stream ecology; riverbed regulation; soft water lake; water quality; Lobelia dortmanna; Littorella uniflora; Isoëtes lacustris; eutrophication; catchment; human impact; eutrophication; cyanobacteria; Daphnia; harmful algal bloom mitigation; phytoplankton; zooplankton; reactive oxygen specie; eutrophication; water level fluctuation; multi-proxy approach; Cladocera; Chironomidae; diatoms; Northern Europe; West Africa; climate change; rainfall variability; riverbanks; floodplain lakes; Carabidae; stenotopic species; assemblage; overgrown; surface microlayer; phytoneuston; phytoplankton; metals; nutrients; urban water body; ciliate assemblages; oxygen concentration; ecological optimum; lake; freshwater habitats; water quality; eutrophication; biodiversity; aquatic plants; plankton assemblages; water cycle; European Water Framework Directive; freshwater ecosystems restoration