
Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine

Edited by
September 2019
292 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-217-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-218-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences

Mathematical and computational modeling approaches in biological and medical research are experiencing rapid growth globally. This Special Issue Book intends to scratch the surface of this exciting phenomenon. The subject areas covered involve general mathematical methods and their applications in biology and medicine, with an emphasis on work related to mathematical and computational modeling of the complex dynamics observed in biological and medical research. Fourteen rigorously reviewed papers were included in this Special Issue. These papers cover several timely topics relating to classical population biology, fundamental biology, and modern medicine. While the authors of these papers dealt with very different modeling questions, they were all motivated by specific applications in biology and medicine and employed innovative mathematical and computational methods to study the complex dynamics of their models. We hope that these papers detail case studies that will inspire many additional mathematical modeling efforts in biology and medicine

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
hemodynamic model; microcirculation load; liquid-solid-porous media seepage coupling; 2-combination; graphical representation; cell-based vector; numerical characterization; phylogenetic analysis; intraguild predation; random perturbations; persistence; stationary distribution; global asymptotic stability; quorum sensing; chemostat; mathematical model; differential equations; delay; bifurcations; dynamical system; numerical simulation; predator-prey model; switched harvest; limit cycle; rich dynamics; algae growth models; uncertainty quantification; asymptotic theory; bootstrapping; model comparison tests; Raphidocelis subcapitata; Daphnia magna; spotting; wildfire; transport equations; spotting distribution; obesity; mechano-electrochemical model; articular cartilage; cartilage degeneration; cartilage loading; optimal control; hepatitis B; delay differential equations (DDE); immune response; drug therapy; dynamic model; flocculation; global stability; uniform persistence; epidermis; mathematical model; bacterial inflammation; bacterial competition; chronic myeloid leukemia; tyrosine kinase inhibitors; immunomodulatory therapies; combination therapy; equilibrium points; mathematical modeling; prostate cancer; androgen deprivation therapy; data fitting; generalized pseudo amino acid composition; numerical characterization; phylogenetic analysis; identification of DNA-binding proteins; n/a