
Liquid Crystals: From Modified Phases to Applications 2014

Edited by
December 2014
322 pages
  • ISBN978-3-906980-85-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-906980-86-7 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Liquid Crystals that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Physical Sciences
  • Hardback
© 2014 MDPI; under CC BY license
liquid crystal; plasmonics; nanostructure; actively tunable device; liquid crystals; MDSC calorimetry; dielectric spectroscopy; polydispersive nanoparticles; confinement; γ-alumina; liquid crystal; transistor; holography; display; energy harvesting; liquid crystals; thermal stabilization; thermo-optic coefficient; silicon photonics; ring resonator; passive tuning; axicons; liquid crystal devices; optical trapping; gold nanorods; cellulose nanocrystals; liquid crystal; plasmonics; mesoporous silica; liquid crystals; lyotropic; free-standing films; nanocomposite; liquid crystal; nematic-nematic; phase diagram; dimer; siloxane; mixtures; nanoparticles; plasmonic; gold; polymer dispersed liquid crystals; equivalent circuit; constant phase element; temperature dependence; impedance analysis; liquid crystal; polymer network; ferroelectric; antiferroelectric; photopolymerization; material properties; photonic crystal; holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystal; photopolymer; liquid crystal; holographic polymerization; boroxines; liquid crystals; columnar; synthesis; biaxial nematic; phase transitions; birefringence; laser conoscopy; structure; hydrogen bonding; X-ray diffraction; Janus colloids; nematic liquid crystal; surface anchoring; valence; liquid crystals; tunable devices; dual-mode filters; inverted-microstrip structure; microwave frequencies; cellulose-based liquid crystals; films; fibers; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR); electro-optical characteristics; soft matter; structural rheology; smectic phase; dislocation loop; focal conic domain; unbinding transition; lamellar phase; onion structure; liquid crystalline network; composite; silica nanoparticle