
Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy

Edited by
March 2022
366 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2549-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2548-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology

Dear Readers, Oncolytic Viruses (OV) are self-propagating agents that can selectively induce the lysis of cancer cells while sparing normal tissues. OV-mediated cancer cell death is often immunogenic and triggers robust anticancer immune responses and immunoconversion of tumor microenvironments. This makes oncolytic virotherapy a promising new form of immunotherapy and OVs ideal candidates for combination therapy with other anticancer agents, including other immunotherapeutics. There are more than 40 OVs from nine different families in clinical development and many more at the preclinical stage. Each OV has its own unique characteristics, its pros and cons. Although herpes simplex virus is currently the lead clinical agent, a real champion among the OVs has not yet emerged, justifying the continuous development and optimization of these agents. This book, “Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy”, summarizes the state-of-the-art and gives a comprehensive overview of the OV arena with a particular focus on new trends, directions, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
oncolytic viruses; melanoma; immunotherapy; checkpoint inhibitors; combinatory therapy; reovirus; oncolytic virus; immunotherapy; adenovirus; oncolytic; virotherapy; targeting; immunotherapy; immunogenic cell death; αvβ6 integrin; oncolytic adenovirus; cancer immunotherapy; multi-stage; immunostimulatory; arming; HSV-1; oncolytic virus; immunotherapy; clinical trials; oncolytic virus; newcastle disease virus; NDV; cancer; immunotherapy; immune checkpoint inhibitor; PD-1; PD-L1; CTLA-4; type I interferon; oncolytic virus; herpes simplex virus; retargeted virus; tropism retargeting; tumor; immunotherapy; checkpoint inhibitor; vaccination; antigen-agnostic vaccination; HER2; parvovirus; oncolytic; tumor microenvironment; immunotherapy; combination therapy; glioblastoma; pancreatic cancer; colorectal cancer; melanoma; oncolytic virus; measles virus; cancer immunotherapy; vector engineering; vaccination; immune checkpoint blockade; oncolytic virus; tumor microenvironment; antitumor immune response; delivery; genetic modification; oncolytic viruses; glioblastoma; clinical trials; biomarkers; personalized oncolyticvirotherapy; oncolytic virus; class I HLA; immunosurveillance; immunotherapy; oncolytic viruses; immunoediting; oncogenic signaling; RAS; DNA methyltransferase inhibitor (DNMTi); viral mimicry; epigenetic silencing; oncolytic virus; adoptive T cell therapy; CAR T cell; immunotherapy; oncolytic virus; virotherapy; pancreatic cancer; pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; vesicular stomatitis virus; oncolytic virus; small molecule; cancer immune therapy; combination therapy; cancer therapy; immunotherapy; n/a

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