
Coastal Waters Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Technology

Edited by
March 2022
498 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1232-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1233-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Coastal Waters Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Technology that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

Around 10% of the global population lives in the world’s coastal zones, mostly concentrated in the world’s largest megacities. In many regions, the population is exposed to a variety of natural hazards and space-based observations. This Special Issue will focus on the usage of remote sensing alone or in synergy with in situ measurments and modeling tools to provide precise and systematic information about processes acting in the world’s coastal zones.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
ACOLITE; coastal waters; atmospheric correction; time-series; management; Sentinel-2; radon transform; remote sensing; bathymetry inversion; multi-scale monitoring; image augmentation; phytoplankton remote sensing; coastal ocean; red tides; black pixel assumption; atmospheric correction; remote sensing; satellite; sediment transport; coastal geomorphology; ocean color; GOCI; VIIRS; atmospheric correction; turbid waters; satellite-derived bathymetry; Copernicus programme; multi-temporal approach; atmospheric correction; lidar; turbidity; coastal upwelling; wind forcing; river plume; MODIS; Arctic Ocean; ocean color; hurricanes; remote sensing; water quality; Puerto Rico; harmful algal blooms; Chattonella spp.; Skeletonema spp.; backscattering; MODIS; Ariake Sea; chlorophyll-a variability; spring–neap tides; Ariake Sea; MODIS-Aqua; total suspended sediment; river discharge; band registration; morphological registration; multispectral camera; water quality; Micasense Rededge-M; Pearl River estuary; diffuse attenuation coefficient; MODIS; S-EOF; land subsidence; multi-temporal SAR interferometry; sea-surface height; relative sea level change; satellite altimetry data; GNSS; coastal urban centers; natural protected areas; climate change impact; satellite-derived bathymetry; physics-based inversion method; atmospheric correction; ocean surface circulation; high frequency radar; self-organizing map; empirical orthogonal function; neural networks; synoptic characteristics; wave radar; sea waves; model data; Mediterranean sea; small river plume; aerial drone; coastal processes; frontal zones; internal waves; along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (ATI-SAR); current line-of-sight (LOS) velocity; coastal waters; azimuth ambiguity; baseline-to-platform speed ratio estimation; storm surge; coastal flooding; marine storms; natural hazards; steric-effect; satellite altimetry; hurricanes; ADG/CDOM colored dissolved organic matter; Sentinel 3; water quality; southwestern Puerto Rico; ocean color; remote sensing; coastal waters; ocean tidal backwater; stage–discharge relation; ocean tide model; Mekong Delta; river plume; turbidity; suspended particulate matter; ocean color data; satellite remote sensing; in situ measurements; C2RCC; ACOLITE; Landsat-8 OLI; Sentinel-2 MSI; Mzymta River; Black Sea; MUR SST; SST fronts; Inner Sea of Chiloé; northern Patagonia; GOCI; suspended sediment; Typhoon Soudelor; spatial–temporal distribution; remote sensing; HF marine radars; wave energy

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